VOX-Pol Online Workshop: Evolving Contours of (Online) Extremism and P/CVE in Sub-Saharan Africa, Wednesday 10 May, 15:30-17:00hrs (BST).
To register your attendance at this online workshop, please email m.h.mohamed@swansea.ac.uk and you will receive a Zoom link.
The workshop ‘Evolving Contours of (Online) Extremism and P/CVE in Sub-Saharan Africa’ will focus on the phenomenon of extremism and especially online extremism in the context of sub-Saharan Africa. This workshop will bring together practitioners and academics researching terrorism and implementing Preventing/Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) in sub-Saharan Africa where both Islamist militant groups and far-right and alt-right groups operate. The workshop will explore how extremist groups and individuals use the internet in the region, how counterterrorism/P/CVE strategies are designed to address this problem and the challenges of implementing these strategies bearing in mind global and local politics and the local governance systems in place.
Chair: Miraji Mohamed (Swansea University)
Dr Freedom C Onuoha, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Dr Halkano Abdikadir Abdi Wario, Egerton University
Prof Christi van der Westhuizen, Nelson Mandela University
Prof Christopher Anzalone, Marine Corps University
For any questions, or to register your attendance, please email m.h.mohamed@swansea.ac.uk.