VOX-Pol Participation in the Third Ministerial Meeting of the EU Internet Forum
December 7, 2017The third Ministerial meeting of the EU Internet Forum was held yesterday, 6 December 2017, in Brussels. The meeting was hosted by Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, Dimitris Avramopoulos, and Commissioner for the Security Union, Julian King. The aim of the meeting was to take stock of the progress made over the past ...
What is Britain First? The Far-Right Group Retweeted by Donald Trump
December 6, 2017By Chris Allen Donald Trump’s decision to retweet a number of videos originally posted by Jayda Fransen – the deputy leader of the far-right street movement Britain First – was as unfounded as it was unexpected. Retweeted without additional comment, the three videos purported to show a group of Muslims pushing a boy off a ...
VOX-Pol Participation in the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism
December 5, 2017The Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism held an event this morning, 6 December 2017, at Google’s Brussels’ offices. The event featured representatives from GIFCT founder companies, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Twitter, along with the EU Commission, EUROPOL, ICT4Peace, CDT, and others. The first panel discussion and Q&A included stakeholders from agencies engaged in the ...
VOX-Pol Participation in the 9th Community of Users on Safe, Secure and Resilient Societies Workshop on Radicalisation
December 5, 2017The European Commission’s 9th Community of Users on Safe, Secure and Resilient Socieities Workshop on Radicalisation is taking place today, 5 December 2017, in Brussels. The projects represented are CONTRA, DANTE, FIRST LINE, LIAISE 2, MINDb4ACT, Pericles, PRACTICIES, RED-Alert, SAFFRON, STRESAVIORA II, TENSOR, TRIVALENT, and VOX-Pol. The aims of the workshop are: – To identify synergies and increase links and connections between H2020- and ISF-P-funded projects on radicalisation ...
Can Taking Down Websites Really Stop Terrorists and Hate Groups?
November 29, 2017By Thomas Holt, Joshua D. Freilich and Steven Chermak In the wake of an explosion in London on September 15, President Trump called for cutting off extremists’ access to the Internet. Loser terrorists must be dealt with in a much tougher manner.The internet is their main recruitment tool which we must cut off & use better! — Donald J. ...
Vital Human Rights Evidence in Syria is Disappearing from YouTube
November 22, 2017By Dia Kayyali and Raja Althaibani So much of Syria’s history has been purposefully erased by ISIS in recent years. And now, we’re seeing another erasure of history– this time on YouTube. Thousands of videos showing human rights abuses in Syria, as well as the channels that feature these videos, are being removed by YouTube. ...
New digital methods can be used to analyse linguistic terms and better understand Reddit communities
November 15, 2017By Tim Squirrell Reddit is now the fourth most visited website in the US. Yet, surprisingly, given its position as an extremely large community, it has been the subject of relatively little research. Tim Squirrell has developed methods of studying the genealogy, spread, and use of particular words on Reddit, as demonstrated by this case ...
Self-regulation of Internet Intermediaries: Public Duty Versus Private Responsibility
November 8, 2017By Paul Bernal Internet intermediaries – the social media companies, search engines and internet service providers who supply ways for audiences to find and access online content – are under scrutiny regarding their crucial role in the flow of digital information. Google and Facebook attracted one fifth of global advertising spend in 2016, and concerns ...
VOX-Pol Newsletter 4(4) November 2017
November 8, 2017Welcome to Vol. 4 Iss. 4 of the VOX-Pol Newsletter. If you have colleagues or friends who may be interested in the content of our newsletter, or any events or research carried out by VOX-Pol, please forward this to them and encourage them to subscribe via our website. Follow us on Twitter @VOX_Pol for live updates and ...
We Should Pay More Attention to the Role of Gender in Islamist Radicalization
November 1, 2017By Elizabeth Pearson and David Sutcliffe One of the key current UK security issues is how to deal with British citizens returning from participation in ISIS in Syria and Iraq. Most of the hundreds fighting with ISIS were men and youths. But, dozens of British women and girls also travelled to join Islamic State in Syria ...