VOX-Pol Newsletter 3(2) May 2016
May 12, 2016
Welcome to Vol. 3, Iss. 2 of the VOX-Pol Newsletter. We hope to see many of you at our 22 – 24 June 2016 conference in Dublin. The draft lineup is now online HERE. Register HERE to attend. If you have colleagues or friends who may be interested in the content of this newsletter or any events and ...
VOX-Pol Mid-Project Conference: Draft Programme
May 12, 2016
Full Programme and Schedule   Hot Contemporary Topics: Youth, ‘Lonewolves,’ OSINT #emotion – Youth, Social Media and ISIS Debra Smith: Victoria University Online Violent and Non-violent Radicalisation of Afghan Youth Weeda Mehran: York University The Rise of Open Source Jihad – Autodidactic Lone Wolves or Bumbling Ideological Illiterates Akil Awan: Royal Holloway, University of London ...
Countering Lone Wolf Terrorism: Weak Signals and Online Activities
May 11, 2016
By Lisa Kaati and Fredrik Johansson Lone wolf terrorists can come in a variety of shapes and backgrounds and they are in general very hard to detect before they attack. As argued by previous research, there are no clear profiles for lone wolf terrorists since they have a large variation in factors such as social status, ...
How Jabhat Al Nusra Uses Twitter to Spread Propaganda
May 4, 2016
Twitter has become a key social media platform used by non-state actors in Syria to send propaganda to the rest of the world. For the most part Twitter has done a good job of clamping down on ISIS presence on the website. Twitter routinely bans ISIS supporter’s accounts and is quite fast at deleting ISIS propaganda ...
Gonna Get Myself Connected: Social Media as a Facilitation Mechanism
April 27, 2016
By Timothy Holman “I think it’s — there are several networks. There are several facilitators. There are plenty of ways to get information back and forth: go through mosques, go through the Internet, go through phones, and you go through former regime elements that are located in Syria and other countries. There is a vast ...
Book Review: Islamic State – The Digital Caliphate by Abdel Bari Atwan
April 20, 2016
By Daniel Falkiner Islamic State: The Digital Caliphate provides detailed answers to a number of pressing questions: What exactly is ISIS? Where did it come from? Who is behind it? How does it function? What are the reasons for its success? Daniel Falkiner welcomes the rich description and analysis and finds Abdel Bari Atwan does an admirable job of explaining the ways Islamic ...
VOX-Pol Participation in RAN CoE Research Seminar ‘Research on Radicalisation: From Theory to Practice ’
April 18, 2016
Identifying key knowledge gaps in the area of preventing violent extremism was the main focus of a recent EU Radicalisation Awareness Network Centre of Excellence (RAN CoE) research seminar in Vienna (12-13 April 2016). The seminar brought together the RAN editorial board, leading researchers, and practitioners to discuss and debate the latest radicalisation research findings ...
VOX-Pol Pre-Conference Workshop 1
April 14, 2016
Title Python for Social Scientists Date and time Wednesday, 22 June at 9:00am Conveners Prof. Padraig Cunningham, Dr. Derek Greene, and Dr. Tania Malik – School of Computer Science, University College Dublin Workshop Descriptor This workshop will provide an introduction to Python and Python Notebooks for Social Scientists. At the end of the workshop participants will have ...
How ISIS’s Language Changed Over Time: More Concern with Females and More “Net-speak”
April 13, 2016
By Matteo Vergani We (myself and Ana-Maria Bliuc) just published a brief research-paper in the Italian magazine “Security, Terrorism and Society“. We used the computerized text analysis program LIWC (Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count) to investigate the evolution of the language across the first 11 Issues of Dabiq. Our paper shows ISIS’ increasing concern with ...
Vox-Pol Pre-Conference Workshop 3
April 7, 2016
Title Human Reasoning Meets Machine Learning: Hands-on Workshop Using Mixed-Media Analytics Tools on Violent Online Extremism Data. Date and time Wednesday, 22 June from 2:00pm to 6:00pm Convener Heather Griffioen-Young – A social psychologist and manager of TNO’s Dark Web programme, Dr. Griffioen-Young has been involved in multiple projects involving radicalisation and violent extremism. Recent focus is ...