Open letter on behalf of civil society groups regarding the proposal for a Regulation on Terrorist Content Online
September 18, 2023The undersigned human rights and digital rights organizations call on the participants of the trialogue meeting on the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of Council on preventing/addressing the dissemination of terrorist content online to comply with the Charter of Fundamental Rights and discuss further amendments that fully respect freedom of expression, ...
Hidden Resilience And Adaptive Dynamics Of The Global Online Hate Ecology
September 18, 2023Online hate and extremist narratives have been linked to abhorrent real-world events, including a current surge in hate crimes and an alarming increase in youth suicides that result from social media vitriol; inciting mass shootings such as the 2019 attack in Christchurch, stabbings and bombings; recruitment of extremists, including entrapment and sex-trafficking of girls as ...
Dear Mr. Zuckerberg
September 18, 2023A letter to Mr. Zuckerberg from the UN Rapporteur on the definition of terrorism. ...
Thornton Statement Nottingham University Terrorism Arrests
September 18, 2023Comments made by Dr Rod Thornton, Lecturer, School of Politics and International Relations, University of Nottingham on the events surrounding, and the repercussions of , the terrorism arrests at Nottingham University in May 2008 ...