Countering terrorist narratives and preventing the use of the Internet for terrorist purposes – Open meeting of the Counter-Terrorism Committee
September 18, 2023
The objective of the proposed open meeting is to assist the Committee to encourage States to better align their efforts in the area of countering terrorist narratives with the Framework and the guidelines contained in Council resolution 2354 (2017). Specifically, participants will be encouraged to: 1. Share information on trends and developments in terrorist narratives ...
Europe and the Virtual War Against Terror
September 18, 2023
What is the EU doing to counter terrorist propaganda online? ...
Hearing: Countering the Virtual Caliphate: The State Department’s Performance
September 18, 2023
The United States is losing the information war to terrorists like ISIS and Hezbollah. Earlier this year, the administration rebranded the office responsible for counter messaging, but little seems to have changed. A strong, effective information offensive to counter the violent ideology being pushed by ISIS and other terrorists is long overdue. This hearing will ...
How the U.S. is Countering the Islamic Extremist Propaganda Machine
September 18, 2023
President Obama reiterated his promise to destroy the virulent Islamic State Tuesday while talking about the Orlando mass shooting — and how gunman Omar Mateen, a U.S. citizen, may have been radicalized by online extremist propaganda. NewsHour producer P.J. Tobia reports on U.S. efforts to win the hearts and minds that the terrorists are trying ...
Women, Social Media and Violent Extremism
September 18, 2023
As a growing number of women engage in violent extremism, urgent questions about their recruitment and motivations are yet to be answered, particularly on the role of social media. Extremist organizations such as the Islamic State are adept at using social media messages to attract Western followers. Less clear is what tools can be used ...
Combating ISIS Online
September 18, 2023
Combating ISIS Online Panelists talked about *ISIS’ use of the Internet and social media to recruit supporters. They also addressed the U.S. government’s efforts to combat the terror group online. Other topics included whether internet and social media companies should be forced to identify and/or ban those suspected of promoting terror. The Islamic State of Iraq and ...
Countering Online Youth Radicalisation
September 18, 2023
Dr Leah Farrall from the National Security College, ANU in conversation with Dr John Coyne, Head – Border Security Program – ASPI. ...
UNDP Global Meeting on PVE: Session 3 – The Role of Youth
September 18, 2023
Session 3 – Understanding and Supporting the Role of Youth in the Prevention of Violent Extremism: This session place young people at the centre of the discussion, focusing on understanding the positive contribution of young women and men in preventing violent extremism in different contexts. We explore the linkages between youth radicalization and political violence, ...
Foreign Fighters, Radicalization and the Online Environment – Mubin Shaikh
September 18, 2023
Mubin Shaikh, Police Project Consultant with the Romeo Dallaire Initiative, discusses the evolution of radical propaganda online, social media and foreign fighters and the need for a robust counter narrative. Mr. Shaikh brings his real world knowledge of these issues as a former CSIS and RCMP operative, discussing them from the perspective of a real ...
Fighting, on the Battlefield and Online
September 18, 2023
Is the U.S. making headway in the fight against the Islamic State group? Judy Woodruff talks to retired Col. Derek Harvey, a former Army intelligence officer, and Brendan Koerner of Wired Magazine about the military offensive against ISIS, including the killing of a senior leader, and the resiliency of the group on social media. ...