Fighting Hate Speech And Terrorist Propaganda On Social Media In Germany
September 18, 2023Lessons learned after one year of the NetzDG law. ...
Counterterrorism is a Public Function: Resetting the Balance Between Public and Private Sectors in Preventing Terrorist use of the Internet
September 18, 2023This paper, part of the Legal Perspectives on Tech Series, was commissioned in conjunction with the Congressional Counterterrorism Caucus. ...
Cyber-Terrorism: Finding A Common Starting Point
September 18, 2023Attacks on computer systems for both criminal and political purposes are on the rise in both the United States and around the world. Foreign terrorist organizations are also developing information technology skills to advance their goals. Looking at the convergence of these two phenomena, many prominent security experts in both government and private industry have ...
Reducing The Threat Of Terrorism Through Knowledge Sharing In A Virtual Environment Between Law Enforcement And The Private Security Industry
September 18, 2023Each day approximately 6,800 members of the private security workforce are deployed across Kansas City to provide protection services at venues, many of which have been identified as being critical infrastructure and/or key resources. While these guards are tasked with providing the first line of defense at these locations, there is currently no mechanism or ...
Social Media And Counter Terrorist Finance A Fund Raising And Disruption Tool
September 18, 2023The proliferation of social media has created a terrorist finance vulnerability due to the ease with which propaganda can be spread, promoting fund-raising for a certain cause. Social media companies recognize the importance of preventing violent extremist and terrorist content, but less attention is paid to their fund-raising role. As well as presenting a threat, ...
Artificial or Human: A New Era of Counterterrorism Intelligence?
September 18, 2023A new revolution has begun in counterterrorism—the Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution. The AI revolution has had a significant impact on many areas of security and intelligence. The use of AI and big data in general, and in the field of intelligence and counterterrorism in particular, has led to intense debates between supporters of the continuation ...
More Support Needed for Smaller Technology Platforms to Counter Terrorist Content
September 18, 2023The present Trends Alert was prepared by CTED in accordance with Security Council resolution 2395 (2017). This reaffirms the essential role of CTED within the United Nations to identify and assess issues, trends and developments relating to the implementation of Council resolutions 1373 (2001), 1624 (2005) and 2178 (2014) and other relevant resolutions. CTED Trends ...
Association Between Time Spent Online and Vulnerability to Radicalization: An Empirical Study
September 18, 2023The aim of this research is to investigate the risk of online radicalization among young adults, particularly university-attending students, by relating their vulnerability to online radicalization with the amount of time they spend online. This research is an outcome of the “Building Resilient Universities Project” (BRUP), funded by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a ...
To Train Terrorists Onsite or Motivate via the Internet…That is the Question
September 18, 2023This paper investigates an agency model of a terrorist organization in which the training and motivation of recruits can occur onsite, in physical training camps, or at arm’s length through the Internet. In so doing, we develop measures of the effectiveness and efficacy of these recruit training methods. A dividing line for choosing between the ...
UK Insight Report Volume 4 Summary
September 18, 2023The OCCI Insight Reports equip NGO partners on an ongoing basis with the knowledge needed to develop effective, targeted campaigns. Without access to in-depth, data-driven insights into the fast-evolving landscape of extremist and terrorist propaganda, narratives and networks, it is impossible to mount a proportional targeted response. Additionally, the reports highlight recommendations for future counterspeech ...