Occasional Paper – The Islamic State’s Diminishing Returns on Twitter: How suspensions are limiting the social networks of English-speaking ISIS supporters
September 18, 2023
Since late 2014, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) social networks on Twitter have been subjected to periodic account suspensions. In a study of metrics for a network of English language ISIS supporters active from June to October 2015, suspensions held the size and reach of the overall network flat, while devastating the reach ...
Countering violent extremism through media and communication strategies – A Review of the Evidence
September 18, 2023
This report presents the analysis of a corpus of academic and grey literature relevant to a key challenge facing our society. How can media and communications be used to counter identity-based violence (IBV) or Violent Extremism (VE)? Part I focuses on “Counter-Narratives”, looking at the evidence relating to strategic policy communication strategies and counter-propaganda techniques. ...
Islamic State Propaganda and the Mainstream Media
September 18, 2023
In this Lowy Institute Analysis, Lauren Williams examines Islamic State’s use of the Western media to disseminate its propaganda. Williams argues mainstream media outlets have a responsibility to treat Islamic State-produced material more critically, expose the weaknesses of its messages, and place greater effort into counter-messaging. KEY FINDINGS Islamic State’s media arm has a clearly ...
Opinion No. 2014-3 on Article 9 of the Bill on Scaling Up Counter-Terrorism Provisions
September 18, 2023
The French Digital Council has been given a mandate to examine Article 9 of the bill on scaling up counter-terrorism provisions. These provisions amend Article 6 of the Act of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy (LCEN) by providing for the administration to block websites containing speech and/or images constituting incitement to ...
Implementation of Security Council resolution 2178 (2014) by States affected by foreign terrorist fighters
September 18, 2023
The present report is the second in a series of reports to be issued pursuant to Security Council resolution 2178 (2014), which requires the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate to assess Member States’ capacity to stem the flow of foreign terrorist fighters, identify good practices in that regard and facilitate the delivery of related technical assistance ...
Jihad Trending: A Comprehensive Analysis of Online Extremism and How to Counter It
September 18, 2023
This report hopes to contribute to developing research in the ever-evolving arena of radicalisation with a particular focus on the role of the Internet. Our aim is to provide a resource for both policy makers and practitioners that offers an in-depth insight into the means by which extremists use online tools to propagandise and recruit. ...
Countering Online Radicalisation: A Strategy for Action
September 18, 2023
Efforts to counter online radicalisation must view new technologies and modes of interaction not as a threat but as an opportunity. Relying on government alone is not sufficient. It is vital to capitalise upon the potential contributions of all stakeholders, including internet companies and internet users. ...
The Next Generation of Terror
September 18, 2023
The world’s most dangerous jihadists no longer answer to al Qaeda. The terrorists we should fear most are self-recruited wannabes who find purpose in terror and comrades on the Web. This new generation is even more frightening and unpredictable than its predecessors, but its evolution just may reveal the key to its demise. ...
Relocating the Virtual War
September 18, 2023
Countering Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups’ use of the Internet for both organizational purposes and the dissemination of radical propaganda has frequently been conceptualized in terms of a war in a virtual space. This assumption has led to a distorted understanding of how the Internet is relevant to terrorism, and what methods are appropriate ...