US Department of Defense Anti-Terrorism Handbook 2004
September 18, 2023
US Department of Defense Anti-Terrorism Handbook 2004 ...
Defending an Open, Global, Secure and Resilient Internet
September 18, 2023
A balkanized Internet beset by hostile cyber-related activities raises a host of questions and problems for the U.S. government, American corporations, and American citizens. The Council on Foreign Relations launched this Task Force to define the scope of this rapidly developing issue and to help shape the norms, rules, and laws that should govern the ...
Cybersecurity Two Years Later
September 18, 2023
When CSIS published Securing Cyberspace for the 44th Presidency two years ago, cybersecurity was not a major issue for public policy. Along with the work of many others, our first report helped to change this. However, the new energy in the national dialogue on cybersecurity has not yet translated into sufficient progress. We thought then ...
GCHQ Cyber Speech For International Institute For Strategic Studies
September 18, 2023
Speech by GCHQ Director Ian Lobban at International Institute for Strategic Studies, October 2010 ...
Terrorism and the Electric Power Delivery System
September 18, 2023
The National Academy of Engineering called the grid the world’s largest integrated machine and a central part of the greatest engineering achievement of the 20th century—electrification of modern society. Reliable electricity service is essential to health, welfare, national security, communication, and commerce. Because of its scale, geographic reach, and complexity, however, the grid also poses ...