“Linksextremismus im Internet”, Extremismus in Deutschland
September 18, 2023
Die Autoren nehmen sich des Problems der Nutzung des Internets durch Linksextremisten an und analysieren die unterschiedlichen “Gesichter“ des linksextremismus im Internet. ...
Mining Communities and Their Relationships in Blogs: A Study of Online Hate Groups
September 18, 2023
Blogs, often treated as the equivalence of online personal diaries, have become one of the fastest growing types of Web-based media. Everyone is free to express their opinions and emotions very easily through blogs. In the blogosphere, many communities have emerged, which include hate groups and racists that are trying to share their ideology, express ...
Manipulating And Hiding Terrorist Content On The Internet: Legal And Tradecraft Issues
September 18, 2023
The global war on terror (“GWOT”) is being fought on many levels. In addition to traditional terror and counterterror activity, both sides are engaged in a public relations and propaganda war, employing the media, willingly and unwillingly, to support their positions. Hovering over these war campaigns are information technologies, which include the Internet. This article ...
Big Data Ethics
September 18, 2023
We are on the cusp of a “Big Data” Revolution, in which increasingly large datasets are mined for important predictions and often surprising insights. The predictions and decisions this revolution will enable will transform our society in ways comparable to the Industrial Revolution. We are now at a critical moment; big data uses today will ...
Ethical Dilemmas in Qualitative Research with Youth On/Offline
September 18, 2023
Research on the digital and online environment poses several ethical questions that are new or, at least, newly pressing, especially in relation to youth. Established ethical practices require that research have integrity, quality, transparency, and impartiality. They also stipulate that risks to the researcher, institution, data, and participants should be anticipated and addressed. But difficulties ...