What can we learn from the online response to the Halle terrorist attack?
August 7, 2024VOX-Pol Blog Post. ...
Human Rights Assessment: Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism
September 18, 2023The Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) commissioned BSR to conduct a human rights assessment of its strategy, governance, and activities. The purpose of this assessment is to identify actual and potential human rights impacts (including both risks and opportunities) arising from GIFCT’s work and make recommendations for how GIFCT and its participants can ...
GIFCT Crisis Response Working Group: Annual Output
September 18, 2023The Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) Crisis Response Working Group (CRWG) was established in April 2020 as part of the GIFCT substantive Working Group structure. The CRWG’s objective is to drive effective collaboration among industry, government, and law enforcement to minimize the spread of terrorist or violent extremist content online stemming from an ...
Content-Sharing Algorithms, Processes, and Positive Interventions Working Group: Part 2: Positive Interventions
September 18, 2023In setting out the work program for the past 12 months, the shared objective of the group was to collaborate across industry, government, and civil society “to map contentsharing algorithms and processes used by industry that may facilitate consumption of content that may increase user interest in or amplify terrorist and violent extremist content and ...
Broadening the GIFCT Hash-Sharing Database Taxonomy: An Assessment and Recommended Next Steps
September 18, 2023As we seek to broaden and diversify our membership, and as the nature of terrorist and violent extremist activity online evolves, GIFCT must focus on developing rights-based technical solutions that are thoughtful, practical, and scalable. In our view, hash-sharing is an innovative and important first step in GIFCT’s efforts to share information among member companies ...
Transparency Recommendations for GIFCT: Prepared by the GIFCT Transparency Working Group
September 18, 2023The Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) Transparency Working Group (WG) was established in April 2020 as part of the GIFCT substantive Working Group structure. The Transparency WG’s objective is to develop best practices and easy access to resources that facilitate greater transparency from all relevant stakeholders while respecting privacy and human rights. Microsoft ...
GIFCT Legal Frameworks Working Group
September 18, 2023The Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) Legal Frameworks Working Group brought together a range of different stakeholders, including Government, civil society, technology companies, academics, regulators and practitioners. This paper is intended to capture the range of discussion topics covered by the group, outline the primary issues the group identified, and highlight potential areas ...
The Online Regulation Series | Tech Sector Initiatives
September 18, 2023Although regulation frameworks of terrorist and harmful content online have been passed by governments in recent years, regulation in practice remains mostly a matter of solo or self-regulation by the tech sector. That is, when companies draft and apply their own rules for moderating user-generated content on their platforms or when they voluntarily comply with ...