Mechachal: Online Debates and Elections in Ethiopia
September 18, 2023
We are delighted to announce the launch of the final report of the Mechachal project, one of first academic studies to contextually examine how hate speech emerges and disseminates in social media. Focusing on Ethiopia, and in collaboration with Addis Ababa University, the research team examined thousands of comments made by Ethiopians on Facebook during ...
The Affinity Between Online and Offline Anti-Muslim Hate Crime: Dynamics and Impacts
September 18, 2023
Following the recent terrorist attacks in Paris and Tunisia in 2015, and in Woolwich, south-east London where British Army soldier Drummer Lee Rigby was murdered in 2013, there has seen a significant increase in anti-Muslim attacks. These incidents have occurred offline where mosques have been vandalized, Muslim women have had their hijab (headscarf) or niqab ...
Hate Crime and Bullying in the Age of Social Media
September 18, 2023
The All Wales Hate Crime Project (Williams & Tregidga 2013, 2014) highlighted the emerging problem of cyberhate and cyber bulling via social media through interviews with victims. Opportunities for online engagement have increased exponentially over the past two decades. In 1999 only 10 per cent of UK households had access to the Internet. The number ...
Grooming for Terror: The Internet and Young People
September 18, 2023
The use of the Internet to spawn hate sites and recruit advocates for hate began as early as the mid-1980s in bulletin boards, and the first acknowledged hate site was Stormfront, in the early 1990s. Since then hundreds of hate sites and other websites advocating terror have been developed, some with stated aims of recruiting ...
The Supremacy of Online White Supremacists – an Analysis of Online Discussions by White Supremacists
September 18, 2023
A content analysis was conducted on five different white supremacist online forums to observe the discourse and types of activities occurring within. In addition, web link analysis was conducted on the forums to identify the presence of external links being posted and discussed by members. We found that members used the forums primarily for information ...
“Real Men Don’t Hate Women”: Twitter Rape Threats and Group Identity
September 18, 2023
On 24th July 2013, feminist campaigner Caroline Criado-Perez’s petition to the Bank of England to have Elizabeth Fry’s image on the UK’s £5 note replaced with the image of another woman was successful. The petition challenged the Bank of England’s original plan to replace Fry with Winston Churchill, which would have meant that no woman ...
Expanding the Nationalist Echo-Chamber into the Mainstream: Swedish Anti-Immigration Activity on Twitter, 2010-2013
September 18, 2023
Blogs, social media, and search engines have democratized information seekers and providers. However, the same affordances of the Internet have also contributed to resurgence and transformation of far-right and racist communities. Despite a growing number of studies of far-right communities, little attention has so far been paid to the mechanisms through which far-right and racist ...
Confronting Online Extremism: The Effect of Self-Help, Collective Efficacy, and Guardianship on Being a Target for Hate Speech
September 18, 2023
Who is likely to be a target of online hate and extremism? To answer this question, we use an online survey (N = 963) of youth and young adults recruited from a demographically balanced sample of Americans. Adapting routine activity theory, we distinguish between actor-initiated social control (i.e., self-help), other-initiated social control (i.e., collective efficacy), ...
Histories of Hating
September 18, 2023
This roundtable discussion presents a dialogue between digital culture scholars on the seemingly increased presence of hating and hate speech online. Revolving primarily around the recent #GamerGate campaign of intensely misogynistic discourse aimed at women in video games, the discussion suggests that the current moment for hate online needs to be situated historically. From the ...
Sectarian Twitter War: Sunni-Shia Conflict and Cooperation in the Digital Age
September 18, 2023
Amid mounting death tolls in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen, sectarian discourse is on the rise across the Arab world—particularly in the online sphere, where extremist voices are amplified and violent imagery and rhetoric spreads rapidly. Despite this, social media also provides a space for cross-sectarian discourse and activism. Analysis of over 7 million Arabic tweets ...