Social Media
Countering Violent Extremism: FBI and DHS Need Strategies and Goals for Sharing Threat Information with Social Media and Gaming Companies
September 17, 2024Domestic terrorists pose a significant threat to the U.S., according to the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. Domestic terrorists often use online platforms—such as social media and gaming—to communicate radical ideas to a wide audience and mobilize likeminded people. The FBI and DHS have some tools for sharing information with and receiving information ...
New school speech regulation as a regulatory strategy against hate speech on social media: The case of Germany’s NetzDG
September 15, 2024A review of relevant empirical literature shows that many features of social media platforms actively promote or encourage hate speech. Key factors include algorithmic recommendations, which frequently promote hateful ideologies; social affordances which let users encourage or disseminate hate speech by others; anonymous, impersonal environments; and the absence of media ‘gatekeepers’. In mandating faster content ...
Social Media and Radicalization: An Affordance Approach for Cross-Platform Comparison
September 14, 2024To accentuate which platform characteristics particularly foster radicalization and extremist dynamics, this contribution investigates the affordances of social media as delineated in contemporary literature, conducting a platform comparison encompassing Telegram, WhatsApp, and X (formerly Twitter). Based on a scoping review, 17 affordances identified from studies researching radicalization dynamics on social media were extracted and categorized. ...
Drowning in the Flood: Social Media Platforms’ Failure to Manage Harmful and Pro-Terror Content During Israel-Hamas War
August 28, 2024An empirical study by the Israel Internet Association analyzes the manner and quality of response by various social media platforms to 447 verified and confirmed reports of harmful content. These reports were submitted to the platforms by the Association’s Internet Safety Hotline, recognized by most platforms as an official Trusted Flagger, after meticulously confirming that ...
Germany’s Legal Crackdown on Social Media: Four Misconceptions Dispelled
August 22, 2024VOX-Pol Blog post. ...
Can Social Networking Platforms Prevent Polarisation and Violent Extremism?
August 16, 2024VOX-Pol Blog post. ...