Online Library

Welcome to VOX-Pol’s Online Library, a research and teaching resource, which collects in one place a large volume of publications related to various aspects of violent online political extremism.

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2055 Library Entries
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VOX-Pol Blog Incel Culture: What We’ve Learned From Investigating Plymouth Attacker’s Digital Footprint

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2021 Crawford, B., and Keen, F. View Publisher
VOX-Pol Blog In the Wake of Lee Rigby Inquiry, Remember Radicalisation and Terrorism are not the Same

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2014 Francis, M. View Publisher
Report In the Blind Spot – How right-wing extremists use alternative platforms for radicalisation

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2022 Hammer, D., Rübbert, Z. and Schwieter, C. View Publisher
Journal Article In Mapping Digital Jihad: Understanding the Structure and Evolution of al-Qaeda’s Information Ecosystem on the Surface Web

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2024 Lakomy, M. View Publisher
Journal In Defense of Honor: Women and Terrorist Recruitment on the Internet

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2013 Bloom, M.M. View Publisher
Journal In Defense of Honor: Women and Terrorist Recruitment on the Internet

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2013 Bloom M.M. View Publisher