Online Library

Welcome to VOX-Pol’s Online Library, a research and teaching resource, which collects in one place a large volume of publications related to various aspects of violent online political extremism.

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2055 Library Entries
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VOX-Pol Blog Developing a Responsive Regulatory Approach to Online Terrorist Content on Tech Platforms

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2023 Watkin, A. View Publisher
Report Detours and Diversions Online Strategies for the Dissemination of Right-Wing Extremist Content

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2022 Kuchta, R., Hammer, D., Gerster, L. and Schwieter, C. View Publisher
Journal Article Determining The Role Of The Internet In Violent Extremism And Terrorism Six Suggestions For Progressing Research

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2016 Conway, M. View Publisher
Journal Article Detection Of Jihadism In Social Networks Using Big Data

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2019 Rebollo, C. S., Puente, C., Palacios, R., Piriz, C., Fuentes, J. P. and Jarauta, J. View Publisher
MA Thesis Detection And Monitoring Of Improvised Explosive Device Education Networks Through The World Wide Web

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2009 Stinson, R.T. View Publisher
Journal Article Detection And Classification Of Social Media Based Extremist Affiliations Using Sentiment Analysis Techniques

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2019 Ahmad, S., Asghar, M. Z., Alotaibi, F. M. and Awan, I. View Publisher