Online Library

Welcome to VOX-Pol’s Online Library, a research and teaching resource, which collects in one place a large volume of publications related to various aspects of violent online political extremism.

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2017 Library Entries
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Journal Article Although the (Dis-)Believers Dislike it: a Backgrounder on IS Hostage Videos – August – December 2014

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2015 Tinnes, J. View Publisher
PhD Thesis Internetnutzung islamistischer Terror- und Insurgentengruppen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von medialen Geiselnahmen im Irak, Afghanistan, Pakistan und Saudi-Arabien

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2010 Tinnes, J. View Publisher
Report Starting Points for Combating Hate Speech Online

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2015 Titley, G., Keen, E. and Földi, L. View Publisher
Report Starting Points For Combating Hate Speech Online

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2015 Titley, G., Keen, E., and Földi, L. View Publisher
Report How Do Terrorist Organizations Use Information Technologies- Understanding Cyber Terrorism

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2016 Tombul, F. and Akdogan, H. View Publisher
VOX-Pol Blog ‘Incel’ Violence Is a Form of Extremism. It’s Time We Treated It as a Security Threat

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2020 Tomkinson, S., Attwell, K. and Harper, T. View Publisher