Online Library

Welcome to VOX-Pol’s Online Library, a research and teaching resource, which collects in one place a large volume of publications related to various aspects of violent online political extremism.

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2017 Library Entries
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Report The Iron March Forum and the Evolution of the “Skull Mask” Neo-Fascist Network

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2021 Upchurch, H.E. View Publisher
MA Thesis Terrorists And Cyberspace: The Digital Battleground

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2018 Urena Figueroa, A.M. View Publisher
Journal Article What they do in the shadows: examining the far-right networks on Telegram

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2020 Urman, A. and Katz, S. View Publisher
Journal Expanding the Nationalist Echo-Chamber into the Mainstream: Swedish Anti-Immigration Activity on Twitter, 2010-2013

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2016 Urniaz, P. View Publisher
Video A New Approach to Counter Radicalization

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2014 US Council on Foreign Relations View Publisher
Policy US Department of Defense Anti-Terrorism Handbook 2004

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2004 US Department of Defense View Publisher