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2016 Library Entries
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PhD Thesis The Chosen: An Examination Of Extremist Muslim Narratives, Discourse And Ideologies In Cyberspace

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2011 SAIFUDEEN, O.A. View Publisher
PhD Thesis White Hoods And Keyboards: An Examination Of The Klan And Ku Klux Klan Websites

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2011 Selepak, A.G. View Publisher
PhD Thesis Consuming the Jihad: An Enquiry into the Subculture of Internet Jihadism

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2011 Ramsay, G. View Publisher
MA Thesis Identification And Ranking Of Critical Assets Within An Electrical Grid Under Threat Of Cyber Attack

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2011 Boyer, B. R. View Publisher
Journal Article 4chan and /b/: An Analysis of Anonymity and Ephemerality in a Large Online Community

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2011 Bernstein, M.S., Monroy-Hernández, A., Harry, D., André, P., Panovich, K. and Vargas, G. View Publisher
PhD Thesis Internetnutzung islamistischer Terror- und Insurgentengruppen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von medialen Geiselnahmen im Irak, Afghanistan, Pakistan und Saudi-Arabien

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2010 Tinnes, J. View Publisher