Online Library

Welcome to VOX-Pol’s Online Library, a research and teaching resource, which collects in one place a large volume of publications related to various aspects of violent online political extremism.

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2016 Library Entries
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Journal Article Terrorism and the Proportionality of Internet Surveillance

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2009 Brown, I., Douwe, K. View Publisher
MA Thesis The Funtions Of White Nationalism Online: A Content Analysis Of White Nationalist Thematic Discourse Surrounding The Eve Carson Homicide

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2009 Michelle, H. S. View Publisher
PhD Thesis Iraqi Insurgents’ Use Of Youtube As A Strategic Communication Tool: An Exploratory Content Analysis

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2009 Rheanna, R. View Publisher
PhD Thesis Assessing Perceived Credibility Of Websites In A Terrorism Context

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2009 Spinks, B.T. View Publisher
PhD Thesis Global Village, Global Marketplace, Global War On Terror: Metaphorical Reinscription And Global Internet Governance

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2009 Shah, N. View Publisher
MA Thesis Detection And Monitoring Of Improvised Explosive Device Education Networks Through The World Wide Web

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2009 Stinson, R.T. View Publisher