Online Library

Welcome to VOX-Pol’s Online Library, a research and teaching resource, which collects in one place a large volume of publications related to various aspects of violent online political extremism.

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2054 Library Entries
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Report Mapping right-wing extremism in Victoria: Applying a gender lens to develop prevention and deradicalisation approaches

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2020 Agius, C., Cook, K., Nicholas, L., Ahmed, A., bin Jehangir, H., Safa, N., Hardwick, T. and Clark, S. View Publisher
Journal Article Analyzing predisposing, precipitating, and perpetuating factors of militancy through declassified interrogation summaries: A case study

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2020 Aggarwal, N.K. View Publisher
Chapter Using KNN and SVM Based One-Class Classifier for Detecting Online Radicalization on Twitter

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2015 Agarwal, S. and Sureka, A. View Publisher
Journal Article Topic-Specific YouTube Crawling to Detect Online Radicalization

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2015 Agarwal, S. and Sureka, A. View Publisher
Journal Article One Apostate Run Over, Hundreds Repented: Excess, Unthinkability, and Infographics from the War with I.S.I.S.

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2018 Adelman, R.A. View Publisher
Report Mitigating the Impact of Media Reporting of Terrorism: Case Study of the #BringBackOurGirls Campaign

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2020 Adebiyi, K. View Publisher