Megan Upton
Meg Upton (B.Ed – Rusden/Deakin, M.Ed – UniMelb, PhD – UniMelb) is a lecturer and tutor in Education at Deakin University in both undergraduate and Masters courses (M.Teach). She teaches across several core units in the M.Teach including pedagogy curriculum, professional placement and wellbeing, and has taught in Education, Knowledge and Society (philosophy of education) for several years. Meg has been a specialist teacher in Drama Education (undergraduate and M.Teach) since 2007, a role to which she brings extensive professional experience in the theatre industry as a teaching artist, researcher and program evaluator. Meg has been part of two major ARC research projects with the University of Melbourne, both investigating the social and artistic impact of theatre and young people. Meg’s interest in CVE arose from her involvement in an extensive pilot research project with Alfred Deakin Institute investigating the role of the arts in CVE.