Breaking the ISIS Brand Counter-Narratives – Part I: Intervention with Albanian Speaking Facebook Accounts
February 28, 2018
This is part one of a two-part series; the second part is HERE. By Anne Speckhard, Ardian Shajkovci, Lorand Bodo & Haris Fazliu It is estimated that of the 38,000 foreign fighters who have joined Sunni militant groups, such as ISIS and al-Nusra, in Iraq and Syria, upwards of 875 have originated from the Balkans, ...
Online Jihadi Instructional Content: IS’s Rumiyah in 2017
February 21, 2018
By Maura Conway and Michael Courtney Jihadi magazines have a long pedigree, are the subject of extensive media coverage and scholarly analysis,[1] and are still easily accessible online. In a recent book chapter, ‘Online Jihadi Instructional Content: The Role of Magazines,’ Conway, Parker, and Looney,  focused on the instructional content, both text and images, published in ...
VOX-Pol ‘Violent Extremism and Terrorism Online in 2017: The Year in Review’ Published
February 21, 2018
VOX-Pol released its Violent Extremism and Terrorism Online in 2017: The Year in Review today, 20 February 2018. This is the second publication in the Year in Review series following the Year in Review 2016. The report treats developments in the violent extremist and terrorist online scene(s) and responses to them in the 12 month period ...
VOX-Pol Newsletter 5(1) February 2018
February 15, 2018
Welcome to Vol. 5 Iss. 1 of the VOX-Pol Newsletter. This is VOX-Pol’s fifth year in operation; thanks for supporting us over the last four years. If you have colleagues or friends who may be interested in the content of our newsletter, or any events or research carried out by VOX-Pol, please forward this to ...
Identifying Radical Content Online
February 14, 2018
By Ryan Scrivens and Garth Davies Violent extremists and those who subscribe to radical beliefs have left their digital footprints online since the inception of the World Wide Web. Notable examples include Anders Breivik, the Norwegian far-right terrorist convicted of killing 77 people in 2011, who was a registered member of a white supremacy web forum and had ties ...
A Glossary of Internet Content Blocking Tools
February 7, 2018
We have published a number of recent Blog posts–see HERE, HERE, and HERE–that address issues around content regulation and intermediary liability. We therefore thought the below would be a timely intervention. The piece is excerpted from Stanford University’s Center for Internet and Society’s Law, Borders, and Speech Conference Proceedings Volume, where it appears as an appendix. ...
VOX-Pol Participation in RAN C&N Meeting
February 7, 2018
On 7-8 February, VOX-Pol Programme Manager, Lisa McInerney, participated in the EU’s  Radicalisation Awareness Network’s (RAN) Communication and Narratives Working Group latest meeting in Vienna, Austria. The meeting is focused on how research and evidence-based psychological and neuroscientific insights can be translated into practical information and tools to help practitioners develop more effective alternative and counter-narrative ...
Internet Intermediaries, Human Rights, and Extremist Content
January 31, 2018
Content removal on social media platforms often takes place through semi-automated or automated processes. Algorithms are widely used for content filtering and content removal processes1, including on social media platforms, directly impacting freedom of expression and raising rule of law concerns (e.g. questions of legality, legitimacy and proportionality). While large social media platforms like Google or Facebook have ...
Germany Takes on the Social Media Giants
January 25, 2018
Attempts to rein in the internet industry in democratic countries will show who really is in charge. by Judy Dempsey Reposted with permission from Carnegie Europe On January 1, a new German law aimed at reining in social media came into force. Called the Network Enforcement Act, or “NetzDG”, social media companies from Facebook and Twitter, to YouTube, Instagram, ...
ISIS’s Online Propaganda and Underlying Psychological Orientations of Its Consumers
January 18, 2018
By Matteo Vergani and Ana-Maria Bliuc. Are the psychological factors driving ISIS’s mobilisation in Western countries different from those characteristic of other jihadist groups like al-Qaeda? Does the target audience of ISIS’s English-language online propaganda differ from that of al-Qaeda? If so, then how? In our new journal article, we examine these questions by analysing the ...