Where to Publish Academic Research on Online Extremism and Terrorism?: What We Can Learn from Journal Article Entries in VOX-Pol’s Online Library
May 7, 2020
By Louise Laing and Maura Conway One of the questions we get asked quite often at VOX-Pol—by not just PhD students and early career researchers, but established scholars too and, in fact, that we quite often ask ourselves! — is ‘what are appropriate academic journals for publication of research on online extremism and terrorism?’ A generic ...
Technology and the Swarm: A Dialogic Turn in Online Far-Right Activism
March 11, 2020
By Dr. William Allchorn In late January this year, the outgoing director general of the UK’s domestic intelligence agency, Sir Andrew Parker, suggested that technology was one of the biggest challenges facing the UK’s Security Services. Sir Andrew said he was particularly interested in artificial intelligence “because of our need to be able to make sense of ...
From the French Revolution, the First Amendment and the Third Reich to Twitter and Facebook: The Impact of Legal Histories on the Fight Against Online Extremism – Part 3: Germany
February 26, 2020
By Nery Ramati The need to develop legal tools in order to cope with the dangers of online extremism and terrorism has been an issue that has kept legislators, government officials, and security forces around the globe very busy in recent years. In liberal democracies, the legal challenges are intensified due to the obvious dangers ...
Exploring Canadian Far-Right Extremism on Facebook
February 5, 2020
By Ryan Scrivens and Amarnath Amarasingam Following the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Canadian right-wing extremist (RWE) groups tried desperately to band together, planning a number of rallies and events in some of the nation’s most urban cities to show support for the extreme right in general and to promote racist, anti-immigration sentiment ...
Empirical Studies of Online Radicalisation: A Review and Discussion
January 8, 2020
By Paul Gill Reviews of the terrorism research literature regularly highlight the paucity of original data that inform analyses (Schmid and Jongman 1988; Silke 2001, 2004). In his most recent review of the literature, Silke (2013) noted: “[O]ne feels that a great deal more needs to be done before research is consistently building on past ...
Contenus Terroristes sur Internet: Le Futur Règlement Européen en Question
November 7, 2019
Par Laurence Bindner et Raphael Gluck, co-fondateurs de JOS Project Au cours de l’année 2018, alors que Daech recule de plus en plus sur le terrain, l’Etat islamique (EI) résiste sur un autre front, celui du djihad médiatique. Les nouvelles productions, en nombre certes réduit, continuent d’être diffusées sur le web, tandis que les archives ...
From Telegram to Twitter: The Lifecycle of Daesh Propaganda Material
September 11, 2019
By Mohammed Al Darwish A typical Daesh propaganda release goes through multiple phases on its journey from Telegram to reach more popular social web platforms like Twitter.1 This transition from Telegram to a wider audience on a more accessible platform requires the intervention of “fanboys” who dedicate their time and effort to spreading the propaganda ...
New Zealand Attack and the Terrorist Use of the Internet
May 15, 2019
New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern and French President Macron are co-hosting a meeting in Paris today to discuss a New Zealand-spearheaded plan, named the “Christchurch Call,” to eliminate violent extremist and terrorist content from the Internet. The below post summarises the tech sector’s response(s) to the exploitation of their services by the Christchurch terrorist’s sympathisers ...
One-to-one Digital Interventions: How can Practitioners Directly Reach Young People Expressing Interest in Extremist Content Online?
January 30, 2019
VOX-Pol contributed to the inaugural Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) Civil Society Empowerment Programme (CSEP) campaigns event in Brussels this week. We therefore thought we’d share some insights from a previous RAN event focused on online CVE. [Ed.] Introduction It is an essential part of extremist propaganda and outreach to not only communicate their messages to ...
Procès Ansar al-Haqq : le djihad médiatique compte-t-il pour 50% du combat ?
January 16, 2019
Par Laurence Bindner Le procès des administrateurs du forum Ansar al-Haqq s’est déroulé au Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris les 4, 5 et 6 Juillet 2018. Le quatre prévenus (David Ramassamy, Nordine Zaggi, Farouk ben Abbes et Léonard Lopez – ce dernier actuellement détenu par les forces kurdes dans un camp de Syrie), ont ...