Borderline Content Online
July 3, 2024
By Heidi Schulze, Brigitte Naderer, and Diana Rieger The VOX-Pol workshop “Borderline Content Online” can be viewed here Managing harmful online content remains one of the central challenges of the digital age. The advent of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, which can generate vast amounts of content quickly and with little effort, complicates this ...
Main Findings of GIFCT Tech Trials: Combining Behavioural Signals to Surface Terrorist and Violent Extremist Incidents Online
September 13, 2023
By Tom Thorley & Erin Saltman This article summarises a recent paper published in Studies in Conflict & Terrorism that forms part of a special issue on the practicalities and complexities of (regulating) online terrorist content moderation. The special issue contains papers that were presented at Swansea University’s Terrorism and Social Media Conference 2022. Technical ...
Negotiating Fundamental Rights: Civil Society and the EU Regulation on Addressing the Dissemination of Terrorist Content Online
September 6, 2023
By Reem Ahmed This article summarises a recent paper published in Studies in Conflict & Terrorism that forms part of a special issue on the practicalities and complexities of (regulating) online terrorist content moderation. The special issue contains papers that were presented at Swansea University’s Terrorism and Social Media Conference 2022. As part of its ...
Developing a Responsive Regulatory Approach to Online Terrorist Content on Tech Platforms
July 19, 2023
By Amy-Louise Watkin This article summarises a recent paper published in Studies in Conflict & Terrorism that forms part of a special issue on the practicalities and complexities of (regulating) online terrorist content moderation. The special issue contains papers that were presented at Swansea University’s Terrorism and Social Media Conference 2022. Tech platforms have already ...
Regulating online hate will have unintended, but predictable, consequences
November 23, 2022
By Garth Davies, Simon Fraser University and Sarah Negrin, Simon Fraser University The Canadian government is currently holding consultations on a new online hate bill. This bill would update Bill C-36, which addresses hate propaganda, hate crimes and hate speech; the amendment died following the election call last year. Hate propagated on social media and ...
The Tech Industry and the Regulation of Online Terrorist Content: What Do Law Enforcement Think?
February 17, 2021
Want to submit a blog post? Click here. By Stuart Macdonald and Andrew Staniforth The importance of tackling online terrorist propaganda is well-accepted, as is the important role of social media companies in responding to this challenge. In this short piece, we report some initial findings from a wider project on cooperation between social media ...
Regulate Social Media? It’s a Bit More Complicated Than That
March 6, 2019
By Sara Solmone Free speech is a key aspect of the internet, but it has become increasingly obvious that many online will push that freedom to extremes, leaving website comment sections, Twitter feeds and Facebook groups awash with racist, sexist, homophobic or otherwise unpalatable opinions and vitriolic views, and obscene or shocking images or videos. ...