Is ISIS Dead or Alive?
March 4, 2020
By Moign Khawaja It has been almost two years since the Islamic State, also known as IS or ISIS, lost its final stronghold in eastern Syria and four months since its leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi was killed in a US military raid. Have these two game-changing events led to the demise of the group ...
From the French Revolution, the First Amendment and the Third Reich to Twitter and Facebook: The Impact of Legal Histories on the Fight Against Online Extremism – Part 2: The United States
February 19, 2020
By Nery Ramati The need to develop legal tools in order to cope with the dangers of online extremism and terrorism has been an issue that has kept legislators, government officials, and security forces around the globe very busy in recent years. In liberal democracies, the legal challenges are intensified due to the obvious dangers ...
Crowdfunding and Cryptocurrency Use by Far-Right and Jihadi Groups
November 21, 2019
By Shahed Warreth Introduction While extremist groups are well financed, little research has been carried out on how they the internet to use crowdfunding and cryptocurrencies. To date, research into their online activities has focused predominantly on their propaganda and recruiting on social media. However, there have been several instances in which the far right ...
Contenus Terroristes sur Internet: Le Futur Règlement Européen en Question
November 7, 2019
Par Laurence Bindner et Raphael Gluck, co-fondateurs de JOS Project Au cours de l’année 2018, alors que Daech recule de plus en plus sur le terrain, l’Etat islamique (EI) résiste sur un autre front, celui du djihad médiatique. Les nouvelles productions, en nombre certes réduit, continuent d’être diffusées sur le web, tandis que les archives ...
An Overview of Radical Right-focused Presentations at #TASMConf 2019
July 10, 2019
By Pamela Ligouri Bunker and Robert J. Bunker The 2019 Terrorism and Social Media (TASM) Conference took place on 25 and 26 June 2019 at Swansea University Bay Campus, Wales, United Kingdom. The conference was organised by Swansea University’s Hillary Rodham Clinton School of Law and its Cyber Threats Research Centre (CYTREC), with the support ...
Spoofing, Truthing, and Social Proofing: Digital Influencing after Terrorist Attacks
June 13, 2019
By Martin Innes, Helen Innes, and Diyana Dobreva Terrorist attacks are fundamentally designed to ‘terrorise, polarise and mobilise’ different segments of the public. That this is so was tragically underscored by the recent events in New Zealand, where the perpetrator very obviously and self-consciously prepared a messaging campaign to accompany his acts of violence. Recognising these ...
Ansar al-Haqq Trial: Does Media Jihad Account for ‘Half of the Battle’?
May 22, 2019
By Laurence Bindner This post was originally published on our Blog in French in January 2019. It was cross-posted with permission from Ultima Ratio, IFRI’s security and defence Blog. This is its first time appearing in English. [Ed.] The appeal trial of the administrators of the Ansar al-Haqq forum got under way at the Paris Regional ...
New Zealand Attack and the Terrorist Use of the Internet
May 15, 2019
New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern and French President Macron are co-hosting a meeting in Paris today to discuss a New Zealand-spearheaded plan, named the “Christchurch Call,” to eliminate violent extremist and terrorist content from the Internet. The below post summarises the tech sector’s response(s) to the exploitation of their services by the Christchurch terrorist’s sympathisers ...
VOX-Pol’s Nacos Keynotes Rabat Terrorism Conference
April 25, 2019
Building upon the Melbourne (2016) and Bangkok (2017) conferences, the third edition of the Addressing the New Landscape of Terrorism international conference series took place from 22 – 24 April 2019 in Rabat, Morocco. VOX-Pol Academic Advisory Board member Dr. Brigitte Nacos (Columbia University) delivered a keynote presentation at the event. Her address provided a historical overview of the ...
New Zealand Attack: Why are Media Outlets Helping Terrorists?
March 27, 2019
By Nancy Jamal In the aftermath of the Christchurch attack, attention has been drawn to the role of mass media in the aftermath of such attacks, including by the UK’s most senior counter-terrorism police officer, Neil Basu. Last week’s Blog post also addressed responsible reporting, as does Virginie Andre’s report Understanding the Impact of Terrorist Event Reporting on Countering ...