Jake Davison: An Incel Case?
April 12, 2023
by Lewys Brace & Stephane Baele At around 18:00 local time on 12th August 2021, Jake Davison carried out a killing spree in Plymouth (UK) that resulted in the deaths of five people, before ultimately taking his own life. Information about Davison’s mindset and online behaviour remains scarce, but indicates that he had some engagement ...
Part 2: Recruiting and Vetting Candidates for Membership in The Base
April 5, 2023
Anthony F. Lemieux, Georgia State University Background:  Our research team at Georgia State University (Anthony Lemieux, P.I., Dror Walter, Rebecca Wilson, Katherine Kountz, John Hendry, Allison Betus, and Mor Yachin) and the University of Cincinnati (Michael Loadenthal) have been working on analyses of a corpus of leaked interviewing and vetting calls provided to our research ...
Part 1: Recruiting and Vetting Candidates for Membership in The Base
March 29, 2023
Anthony F. Lemieux, Georgia State University Background:  Our research team at Georgia State University (Anthony Lemieux, P.I., Dror Walter, Rebecca Wilson, Katherine Kountz, John Hendry, Allison Betus, and Mor Yachin) and the University of Cincinnati (Michael Loadenthal) have been working on analyses of a corpus of leaked interviewing and vetting calls provided to our research ...
The Pitfalls of Contemporary Terrorism Studies’ Discourse
February 22, 2023
by Arie Perliger One of the most favorable habits of scholars of terrorism is self-reflection on their field. Numerous op-eds and articles are published every year, striving to reflect on the development and challenges in terrorism studies and assess which future topics will be the most promising and policy-relevant. Such summaries, however, usually expose some ...
Contrary to the Washington Post’s Headline, White Americans aren’t Disappearing Under Biden
February 17, 2023
by Ye Bin Won and Meghan Conroy In 2014, the Post reported on a study that found that almost 60% of Americans surveyed admitted that they did not watch, read, or hear any news stories beyond the headlines in the previous week. A few years later, the Post reported on another study that found that ...
Reflections on the Independent Review of Prevent
February 15, 2023
By Andrew Whiting   First announced in January 2019, last week saw the publication of the long-awaited independent review of Prevent led by Lord Shawcross. Prevent is controversial and this review has had its own controversies.  The review’s original lead was replaced after legal challenge and the subsequent appointment of Shawcross led to a boycott ...
Spreading Hate and Violence: The Link between Online Vitriol and Terrorism
January 11, 2023
By Amanda R. Champion, David M. Hattie, Devinder Khera, Richard Frank, & Cory L. Pedersen In the aftermath of Alek Minassian’s 2018 van attack in Toronto, Canada, that claimed the lives of 11 individuals, a reporter from The Telegraph stated that Minassian drove a rented van into a crowd of pedestrians on a major downtown ...
Disinformation and the 2022 Brazilian General Elections: The First Round Vote
December 14, 2022
By Dr James Fitzgerald, Dr R. Marie Santini, and Dr Débora Salles This piece showcases the work of new VOX-Pol member, NetLab[1]. Its purpose is to provide readers with an initial understanding of a coordinated disinformation infrastructure that has flourished in Brazil, with a focus on how it interacted with the first round vote of ...
Lessons from the Decline of the American Racist Skinheads and Emerging Online Trends of the Far-Right
December 7, 2022
By Jonathan Pieslak In a recent VOX-Pol blog post, I outlined how online digital music contributed to the decline of the American racist skinhead movement. More than the aging-out of members or the recruitment of prospects to other groups, the subculture faced significant challenges brought about by the collapse of physical music media and the ...
Academia is Lagging Behind When It Comes to Online Extremism and Terrorism Researcher Welfare
November 16, 2022
By Dr Elizabeth Pearson Terrorist propaganda videos, extremist narratives, child sexual exploitation images. These are amongst the materials that content moderators across social media platforms deal with on a daily basis. They’re also materials that academic researchers engage with in order to better understand particular forms of online crime. Over the past decade, the emotional ...