How Do Those Vulnerable to Terror Recruitment Respond to YouTube Counter-Narrative Videos?
November 24, 2021By Anne Speckhard, Maha Ghazi and Molly Ellenberg YouTube, first online in 2005, was one of the earliest social media platforms used by terrorist organizations to spread their propaganda. Although many such groups have used YouTube and other online platforms for malicious purposes, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria [ISIS] has become notorious over the ...
Only Playing: Extreme-Right Gamification
November 17, 2021By Ben Lee Video games and right-wing extremism (RWE) seem inseparable. Multiple links have been documented between extreme-right violence and video-game cultures. These include the appearance of terrorist manifestos with references to video games, modifications to popular games to bring them into line with extreme-right values, the presence of extremists on gaming platforms, and a misogyny-laced controversy in video gaming that did ...
What role does the Internet play in radicalisation and offending for convicted extremists?
November 10, 2021By Jonathan Kenyon As society has embraced the Internet, opportunities for those wanting to use the online space for terrorist purposes have also grown, resulting in the spread of violent extremism and extremist ideologies within communities. Radicalisation is viewed as becoming increasingly covert, causing problems for security and intelligence services tasked with tackling this threat. ...
Seven Years of the VOX-Pol Blog: A Retrospective
November 3, 2021By Isis Garrigos The VOX-Pol Blog was launched in October 2014 and has since become one of the most visited and shared features of the VOX-Pol website. At the outset, the aim of the Blog was to publish short-form original research directly related to online extremism, online terrorism, online radicalisation, and available responses to these. ...
The VOX-Pol Blog Turns Seven
October 27, 2021The VOX-Pol Blog was launched in October 2014 and turned seven years old this month. To celebrate this, VOX-Pol has been tweeting the all-time most-read posts. The all-time top five are: 5. The Far Right Online: An Overview of Recent Studies by Reem Ahmed and Daniela Pisoiu, published 13 Nov 2019 This Blog post is ...
Is It Just a Game? Exploring the Intersection Between (Violent) Extremism and Online Video-Gaming
September 29, 2021By Suraj Lakhani There has been, especially of late, increasing concern over the misuse of video-games and associated (adjacent) platforms (e.g. Steam, Discord, Twitch, DLive) for the purposes of extremism and violent extremism. Across the European Union (and for that matter globally), policymakers, law enforcement, academics, and counter-extremism practitioners have started to engage more on ...
A Better Way to Regulate Online Hate Speech: Require Social Media Companies to Bear a Duty of Care to Users
September 22, 2021By Katharine Gelber Hate speech is proliferating online and governments, regulators and social media companies are struggling to keep pace with their efforts to combat it. In July 2021, the racist abuse of Black English football players on Facebook and Twitter has brought the issue to the forefront and shown how slow and ineffective the tech ...
Taliban Victory Generates Echoes in Bangladeshi Social Media
September 15, 2021By The SecDev Group The devastating terrorist attack in Kabul by the Islamic State-Khorasan (IS-K) and the hasty departure of the US and coalition partners from Afghanistan is generating geopolitical tremors across Central and South Asia and beyond. And while Afghanistan is geographically distant from Bangladesh, the IS-K’s expansive digital footprint and the Taliban’s return to state power after ...
Online Gaming Platforms
September 8, 2021By Ross Frenett and Joost S Video games have been stigmatised for many years, linked to many social ills including loneliness and terrorism. Not only is this often based on misguided prejudices and a misunderstanding of the gaming community in 2021, but this view risks robbing practitioners of one of the most exciting emerging methodologies ...
VOX-Pol Newsletter 8(3) September 2021
September 7, 2021Welcome to Volume 8, Issue 3 of the VOX-Pol Newsletter. MOST-READ VOX-Pol BLOG POSTS OF 2021 From September 2020 to July 2021, VOX-Pol published 48 Blog posts on the topics of online extremism and terrorism. The events of 6 January, 2021 at the US Capitol led to a big increase in traffic to VOX-Pol’s online ...