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VOX-Pol Newsletter 5(4) November 2018
November 13, 2018
Welcome to Volume 5 Issue 4 of the VOX-Pol Newsletter. If you have colleagues or friends who may be interested in the content of our newsletter, or in any VOX-Pol events and research, please forward this to them and encourage them to subscribe via our website. Follow us on Twitter @VOX_Pol for live updates and ...
Die „Alt-Right“ in Europa
November 7, 2018
    Read in English Read in French Read in Dutch VOX-Pol hat diesen Monat den Alt-Right Twitter Census, eine Analyse der Online-Aktivitäten der rechtsextremen Leitbewegung, veröffentlicht. Der Bericht wertet Daten von fast 30.000 Followern von Twitter-Accounts aus, die sich in ihren Benutzernamen oder Profilinformationen selbst zur Alt-Right bekennen. Der Bericht schildert eine Bewegung, deren ...
«L’Alt-Right» en Europe
November 7, 2018
    Read in English Read in Dutch Read in German Au début du mois, VOX-Pol a publié l’Alt-Right Twitter Census, une analyse des activités en ligne de ce « mouvement parapluie » de droite. Ce rapport a examiné près de 30 000 adeptes de comptes Twitter qui s’auto-identifient comme souscrivant à ce mouvement par leurs identifiants ...
De ‘Alt-Right’ in Europa
November 7, 2018
    Read in English Read in French Read in German Eerder deze maand publiceerde VOX-Pol de Alt-Right Twitter Census, bedoeld om de online activiteiten te analyseren van uiterst rechts. Het rapport inventariseerde bijna 30.000 volgers van zelfverklaarde extreemrechtse Twitter-accounts, met gebruikmaking van gebruikersnamen of profielgegevens. Het zwaartepunt van de beweging die door het rapport ...
The Alt-Right in Europe
November 7, 2018
Read in Dutch Read in French Read in German Earlier this month, VOX-Pol published The Alt-Right Twitter Census, an analysis of the online activities of the right-wing umbrella movement. The report examined almost 30,000 followers of Twitter accounts that self-identified as alt-right in their user names or profile information. The report painted a picture of ...
Media Coverage of New Report ‘The Alt-Right Twitter Census: Defining and Describing the Audience for Alt-Right Content on Twitter’
November 6, 2018
The Alt-Right Twitter Census: Defining and Describing the Audience for Alt-Right Content on Twitter gained significant attention in the media upon its release. The report was written by VOX-Pol fellow, JM Berger, and has been featured in several publications. Below are some examples: ‘The alt-right loves YouTube’ VOX(15 October 2018) Click here to read more. ‘Support ...
This Isn’t Helter Skelter: Why the Internet Alone Can’t be Blamed for Radicalisation
October 31, 2018
By Daniel Baldino & Kosta Lucas The Internet’s precise role in the process of radicalisation remains vexing. You can lead a person to a bomb-making manual, but you can’t make them use it. Radicalisation is a social process. It refers to a means by which an individual or group embraces an extreme ideology and rejects ...
Cryptocurrencies: Potential for Terror Financing?
October 24, 2018
By Ahmad Helmi Bin Mohamad Hasbi and Remy Mahzam Synopsis Given their transaction anonymity and user-friendliness, cryptocurrencies appeal to extremist groups as they offer a viable alternative to the mainstream financial system and fiat money which are perceived as ‘kafir’ (infidel) currencies. The threat of cyber-driven terrorist financing is expected to grow. Commentary Bitcoins and ...
“Yes, I Can”: The Role of Perceived Self-Efficacy in Violent Radicalisation Processes
October 17, 2018
By Linda Schlegel & Till Baaken In recent years, radicalisation, its causes and facilitating conditions as well as possible counter-strategies have been widely discussed within the academic community, among practitioners, and by politicians. Today, there are a variety of radicalisation models available in order to facilitate our understanding of this phenomenon and the empirical evidence is progressively ...
VOX-Pol Sponsors DCU School of Communications Research and Industry Symposium
October 16, 2018
  On Monday October 15, DCU School of Communications held a research and industry symposium titled ‘Media and Politics in a Polarised World‘. The event featured a full day of of discussions from leading academics and experts from the political and media industries. See the full schedule below:               ...