Jumanji Extremism? How Games and Gamification Could Facilitate Radicalization Processes
September 18, 2023
While the last years have seen increased engagement with gaming in relation to extremist attacks, its potential role in facilitating radicalization has received less attention than other factors. This article makes an exploratory contribution to the theoretical foundations of the study of gaming in radicalization research. It is argued that both top-down and bottom up ...
The homogeneity of right-wing populist and radical content in YouTube recommendations
September 18, 2023
The use of social media to disseminate extreme political content on the web, especially right-wing populist propaganda, is no longer a rarity in today’s life. Recommendation systems of social platforms, which provide personalized filtering of content, can contribute to users forming homogeneous cocoons around themselves. This study investigates YouTube’s recommendations system based on 1,663 German ...
Countering terrorist narratives and preventing the use of the Internet for terrorist purposes – Open meeting of the Counter-Terrorism Committee
September 18, 2023
The objective of the proposed open meeting is to assist the Committee to encourage States to better align their efforts in the area of countering terrorist narratives with the Framework and the guidelines contained in Council resolution 2354 (2017). Specifically, participants will be encouraged to: 1. Share information on trends and developments in terrorist narratives ...
Posterboys und Terrorpropaganda
September 18, 2023
Mit dem Begriff Cybergrooming wird normalerweise die gezielte Ansprache von meist minderjährigen Personen im Internet zum Zweck der Anbahnung sexueller Kontakte bezeichnet. Die Terrorgruppe ISIS hat eine sehr spezielle Form der Propaganda in Kombination mit persönlicher Ansprache junger Frauen und Mädchen entwickelt, die in Kriegs- und Krisengebiete zwecks Verheiratung gelockt werden sollen. So hat ISIS ...
Spectacles Of Sovereignty In Digital Time: ISIS Executions, Visual Rhetoric And Sovereign Power
September 18, 2023
The ISIS videos staging the executions of James Foley and Steven Sotloff are usually understood as devices to deter, recruit, and “sow terror.” Left unanswered are questions about how these videos work; to whom they are addressed; and what about them can so continuously bring new audiences into existence. The evident durability of ISIS despite ...
Charlie Hebdo, 2015: ‘Liveness’ And Acceleration Of Conflict In A Hybrid Media Event
September 18, 2023
In this article, the authors examine the intensification of liveness and its effects in the Charlie Hebdo attacks that took place in Paris in January 2015. In their investigation they first re-visit the existing theoretical literature on media, event and time, and discuss in particular the relationship between media events and the idea of liveness. ...
A Comparative Analysis Of Right-wing Radical And Islamist Communities’ Strategies For Survival In Social Networks: Evidence From The Russian Social Network Vkontakte
September 18, 2023
This article presents a comparative analysis of online communities of right-wing radicals and Islamists, who are considered to be numerous and dangerous extremist groups in Russian society. The online communities were selected based on the content posted on the largest Russian social networking site VKontakte. The goal of this article is to determine the strategy and ...
Online Radicalization Of White Women To Organized White Supremacy
September 18, 2023
Since its early mainstream adoption in the 1990s, the Internet has been leveraged by white supremacist groups to recruit and radicalize individuals. Twenty years later, social media platforms, like YouTube, reddit, and Twitter, continue to further this practice. The attention of researchers has been primarily centered on white supremacist men, and this focus on white ...
Halting Boko Haram / Islamic State’s West Africa Province Propaganda In Cyberspace With Cybersecurity Technologies
September 18, 2023
Terrorists use cyberspace and social media technology to create fear and spread violent ideologies, which pose a significant threat to public security. Researchers have documented the importance of the application of law and regulation in dealing with the criminal activities in cyberspace. Using routine activity theory, this article assessed the effectiveness of technological approaches to ...
CLC – Cyberterrorism Life Cycle Model
September 18, 2023
The rise of technology has brought with it many benefits but also the potential for great dangers. In particular, Information Communication Technology (ICT) is involved in many facets of life-influencing systems, which range from power plants to airports. Terrorists are now realising the great possibilities of interfering with critical infrastructure. Remote access, reduced costs, automation, ...