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Panel on Monitoring the Net for Violent Extremist Material, organised by VOX-Pol at CPDP2015
September 18, 2023Panel on Monitoring the Net for Violent Extremist Material, organised by VOX-Pol at CPDP2015 ...
VOX-Pol Discusses Media Strategies of Violent Radical Groups Online
September 18, 2023At the end of January, VOX-Pol’s Dr Maura Conway (DCU) and Professor Ian Brown (OII) spoke to Belgian public service broadcaster VRT News on the subject of media strategies used by radical groups online. This a video of the news segment. ...
Benjamin Ducol Le « jihad 2 0 » Discours, Mythes et Réalités
September 18, 2023Titre complet : Le « jihad 2.0 » ? : Discours, mythes et réalité(s) autour du rôle des espaces numériques dans les trajectoires jihadistes contemporaines. ...
The Islamic State’s Ideology & Propaganda
September 18, 2023On March 11, the Project on U.S. Relations with the Islamic World convened a panel to launch two new Brookings papers that break down the ideology and social media methods of the Islamic State to trace how the group rose in influence to become a global jihadi movement. ...
Understanding ISIS Myth and Realities
September 18, 2023Published on May 29, 2015 This video was streamed live by DMAPLab MIGS on 26 May 2015. The Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, has become a household name because it films its atrocities and posts them online thanks to social media platforms such as Twitter and YouTube. Western countries and Arab states ...
J M Berger on the Role of Communications Technology in Mediating Apocalyptic Communities
September 18, 2023“Social Apocalypse: The role of communications technology in mediating apocalyptic communities”, originally published by Brookings Institution on 28 May 2015 ...
Letter dated 13 May 2015 from the Chair of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1373 (2001) concerning counter-terrorism addressed to the President of the Security Council
September 18, 2023The present report is the first in a series focusing on the capacity of Member States to respond to the challenges posed by the foreign terrorist fighter threat. Foreign terrorist fighters pose an acute and growing threat. They increase the intensity, duration and intractability of conflicts and may pose a serious threat to their States ...
The Case of Roshonara Choudhry: Implications for Theory on Online Radicalization, ISIS Women, and the Gendered Jihad
September 18, 2023As dozens of British women and girls travel to join Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, there are increasing concerns over female radicalization online. These fears are heightened by the case of Roshonara Choudhry, the first and only British woman convicted of a violent Islamist attack. The university student in 2010 stabbed her Member of ...
Cyberspace: A Venue for Terrorism
September 18, 2023This paper discusses how cyberspace has become a venue for terrorists groups for recruiting and proliferating propaganda and terrorism. Moreover, this study explores how the low cost Internet infrastructure and social media sites (such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube) have contributed to their networking and operations due to the convenience, in terms of availability, accessibility, ...
Terrorisme i Cyberspace: Udfordringer ved Organisering og Udførelse af Politisk Vold Online
September 18, 2023Internettet præsenteres ofte som et farligt redskab i hænderne på terrorister. Det er dog ikke nødvendigvis sandheden. Artiklen trækker på indsigter fra studier af sunniekstremistiske grupper, Anders B. Breivik og Anonymous og diskuterer terroristers anvendelse af internettet i organiseringen og udførelsen af terrorisme. Jeg vil argumentere for, at det anarkiske og anonyme internet fører mistillid ...