Relentless villains or fervent netizens?: The alt-right community in Korea, Ilbe
September 18, 2023
Previous studies on the alt-right, a far-right movement based online, focus on its rise in Western countries. Alt-right communities have emerged more publicly in recent years and have contributed to strengthening overt expressions of hate. Such studies, however, have rarely focused on the alt-right beyond Western countries. It is critical to delve into alt-right communities ...
Strain theory, resilience, and far-right extremism: the impact of gender, life experiences and the internet
September 18, 2023
There has been a notable increase in support for far-right ideologies across the West. The seriousness of this threat has been acknowledged by the UK government which has banned certain far-right groups using terrorism legislation. While criminological theories have been useful in explaining general criminality, they have been under-utilised in explaining extremism and terrorism. Agnew’s ...
The Use of the Internet and the Internet of Things in Modern Terrorism and Violent Extremism
September 18, 2023
This chapter will examine the role of the Internet and associated technology such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing (CC) in the process of radicalisation to terrorism and violent extremism. Particular emphasis will be placed upon the role of online environments in facilitating communication and the spread of extremist ideology, as opposed ...
Violent Extremism and Terrorism Online in 2021: The Year in Review
September 18, 2023
This report treats developments in the violent extremist and terrorist online scene(s) in the 12-month period from 1 December 2020 to 30 November 2021. It accomplishes this by surveying, describing, and integrating the findings of relevant articles and reports produced by academics, thinktanks, civil society, and governmental organisations; high quality media coverage; and the first ...
The Internet of Things and Terrorism: A Cause for Concern
September 18, 2023
Over recent years, there have been rapid advances in information and communication technology. The Internet of Things (IoT), an instance of such technologies, has brought numerous benefits to societies, revolutionising the lifestyles of many individuals living in these societies. Whilst advances in the IoT undoubtedly offer numerous benefits, they simultaneously present a wide range of ...
The Impact of the Internet and Social Media Platforms on Radicalisation to Terrorism and Violent Extremism
September 18, 2023
This chapter critically discusses the evidence suggesting that the Internet and SMPs affect radicalisation to violent extremism. The chapter specifically focuses on arguments surrounding echo chambers, opportunities for women to remain anonymous and the role of identity construction for the youth. The study also critically discusses the evidence negating the notion that the Internet and ...
Why They Do It: Counterspeech Theories of Change
September 18, 2023
People who do counterspeech almost universally want to reach audiences, not the people spreading harmful speech. Drawing on over 50 interviews with counterspeakers, this paper reports on four primary theories of change as counterspeakers describe them, and discusses the implications of this for researchers. ...
More than a Joke: White Supremacist Humor as a Daily Form of Resistance
September 18, 2023
We conduct an ethnographic content analysis to examine the social interaction and racial identity constructed through the exchange of white supremacist humor shared on three Stormfront discussion subforums. Overall, white supremacist joke sharing functioned multidimensionally as it simultaneously fostered cohesion and contention among users. By mocking political correctness and non-Whites through the circulation of humorous ...
The Representational Strategies of Lionization and Victimization in ISIS’s Online Magazine, Dabiq
September 18, 2023
This paper is a multimodal critical discourse study of self-representation in ISIS’s e-magazine, Dabiq, employing Social Movement Theory and Van Leeuwen’s Socio-semantic Inventory. By analyzing the linguistic and non-linguistic features in the representation of social actors and actions in Dabiq, ISIS’s implied ideology at the macro level, which is to convince the prospective recruits and ...
The Threat of Terrorist and Violent Extremist Operated Websites
September 18, 2023
A new report from Tech Against Terrorism has found that global terrorist and violent extremist actors are running at least 198 websites on the surface web. In-depth analysis of 33 of the most prominent websites – run by actors such as Islamic State, al-Qaeda, Atomwaffen Division and the Taliban – confirms that these sites have ...