Lone Actors in Digital Environments
September 18, 2023This paper aims to provide an overview of digital environments and draw insights from qualitative research and monitoring of RWE online subcultures that reveals a shift towards a post-organisational reality, whereby online structures and subcultural milieus could be equally important for inspiring violence as connections to groups in the physical world. 1 In order to ...
Gaming and Extremism: The Extreme Right on DLive
September 18, 2023This briefing is part of ISD’s Gaming and Extremism Series exploring the role online gaming plays in the strategy of far-right extremists in the UK and globally. This is part of a broader programme on the ‘Future of Extremism’ being delivered by ISD in the second half of 2021, charting the transformational shifts in the ...
Hatescape: An In-Depth Analysis of Extremism and Hate Speech on TikTok
September 18, 2023This report aims to provide an in-depth analysis on the state of extremism and hate on TikTok. It is the culmination of three months of research on a sample of 1,030 videos, equivalent to just over eight hours of content, posted on the social media platform. These videos were used to promote hatred, as well ...
Gaming and Extremism: The Extreme Right on Discord
September 18, 2023This briefing is part of ISD’s Gaming and Extremism Series exploring the role online gaming plays in the strategy of far-right extremists in the UK and globally. This is part of a broader programme on the ‘Future of Extremism’ being delivered by ISD in the second half of 2021, charting the transformational shifts in the ...
Gaming and Extremism: The Extreme Right on Steam
September 18, 2023This briefing is part of ISD’s Gaming and Extremism Series exploring the role online gaming plays in the strategy of far-right extremists in the UK and globally. This is part of a broader programme on the “Future of Extremism” being delivered by ISD in the second half of 2021, charting the transformational shifts in the ...
Exploring the role of the Internet in radicalisation and offending of convicted extremists
September 18, 2023This report presents findings from a quantitative study, which aimed to explore the role of the Internet in radicalisation and offending of 235 convicted extremists in England and Wales. ...
Strategies and tactics: communication strategies of jihadists and right-wing extremists
September 18, 2023Both right-wing extremists and Islamist groups use social media to spread their political and ideological messages. To prevent extremist groups from abusing new media ecosystems and their mechanisms for their purposes, preventative measures must be based on sound knowledge of their methods. In this article Daniel Köhler and Julia Ebner explain which media strategies rightwing ...
GIFCT Crisis Response Working Group: Annual Output
September 18, 2023The Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) Crisis Response Working Group (CRWG) was established in April 2020 as part of the GIFCT substantive Working Group structure. The CRWG’s objective is to drive effective collaboration among industry, government, and law enforcement to minimize the spread of terrorist or violent extremist content online stemming from an ...
Content-Sharing Algorithms, Processes, and Positive Interventions Working Group: Part 1: Content-Sharing Algorithms & Processes
September 18, 2023In setting out the work program for the past 12 months, the group’s shared objective was to collaborate across industry, government, and civil society “to map content-sharing algorithms and processes used by industry that may facilitate consumption of content that may increase user interest in or amplify terrorist and violent extremist content and consider positive ...
Content-Sharing Algorithms, Processes, and Positive Interventions Working Group: Part 2: Positive Interventions
September 18, 2023In setting out the work program for the past 12 months, the shared objective of the group was to collaborate across industry, government, and civil society “to map contentsharing algorithms and processes used by industry that may facilitate consumption of content that may increase user interest in or amplify terrorist and violent extremist content and ...