Boko Haram and the Discourse of Mimicry: a Critical Discourse Analysis of Media Explanations for Boko Haram’s Improved Video Propaganda Quality
September 18, 2023
The Nigeria-based violent non-state actor Boko Haram is increasingly reported on in the news media in relation to the Islamic State, another, more prominent, violent non-state actor. In particular, these comparisons have been drawn within the context of reports on Boko Haram’s recent improvement in video propaganda quality. While the associations with the Islamic State ...
Voices of the ‘Caucasus Emirate’: Mapping and Analyzing North Caucasus Insurgency Websites
September 18, 2023
This article looks at Internet use by insurgent groups in the North Caucasus in the context of a regional diffusion of violence. Using a mixed methods research design that combines hyperlink network analysis and micro-discourse analysis, it examines the online characteristics of the Caucasus Emirate and the main frames conveyed by the websites affiliated with ...
Radical Pluralism and Free Speech in Online Public Spaces: The Case of North Belgian Extreme Right Discourses
September 18, 2023
Progressive political movements and activists are not the only ones appropriating Web 2.0 as a way to construct independent public spaces and voice counter- hegemonic discourses. By looking at the other extreme of (post-)fascist movements, it will be shown that the internet also gives rise to anti-public spaces, voicing hatred and essentialist discourses. In this ...
Radicalisation and Media: Connectivity and Terrorism in the New Media Ecology
September 18, 2023
This book examines the circulation and effects of radical discourse by analysing the role of mass media coverage in promoting or hindering radicalisation and acts of political violence. ...
Hate Speech or ‘Reasonable Racism’? The Other in Stormfront
September 18, 2023
We use the construct of the “other” to explore how hate operates rhetorically within the virtual conclave of Stormfront, credited as the first hate Web site. Through the Internet, white supremacists create a rhetorical vision that resonates with those who feel marginalized by contemporary political, social, and economic forces. However, as compared to previous studies ...
‘Waging War on the Ideological Battleground’ Dr Anne Aly YouTube
September 18, 2023
Paper presented at Swansea University 2014: Terrorists’ Use of the Internet (5th-6th June 2014) by Dr Anne Aly of Curtin University. Dr Daly’s paper focuses on terroristic narratives and counter narratives online. ...
Benjamin Ducol Le « jihad 2 0 » Discours, Mythes et Réalités
September 18, 2023
Titre complet : Le « jihad 2.0 » ? : Discours, mythes et réalité(s) autour du rôle des espaces numériques dans les trajectoires jihadistes contemporaines. ...
White Supremacists, Oppositional Culture and the World Wide Web
September 18, 2023
Over the previous decade, white supremacist organizations have tapped into the ever emerging possibilities offered by the World Wide Web. Drawing from prior sociological work that has examined this medium and its uses by white supremacist organizations, this article advances the understanding of recruitment, identity and action by providing a synthesis of interpretive and more ...
A Day in the ‘Swamp’: Understanding Discourse In The Online Counter-Jihad Nebula
September 18, 2023
The counter-jihad scene can be understood variously as a collection of parties, pundits, and movements all linked by a common belief that the West is being subjected to takeover by Muslims. In this article, I seek to improve academic understanding of this collection of movements, parties, and ideas by analyzing the discourse presented by a ...
A Critical Analysis of the Role of the Internet in the Preparation and Planning of Acts of Terrorism
September 18, 2023
ABSTRACT- The purpose of this paper is to offer a critical assessment of the way in which the internet and online material features as part of the process individuals embark on to plan acts of terrorism. The paper begins by evaluating concepts used to describe the role of the internet in the context of terrorism ...