Irish Republicans
Terrorist Web Sites: Their Contents, Functioning, and Effectiveness
September 18, 2023This extract is taken from the author’s original manuscript and has not been edited. The definitive version of this piece may be found in New Media and the New Middle East by Philip Seib which can be purchased from ...
Framing the Troubles Online: Northern Irish groups and website strategy
September 18, 2023Can the Internet really make a difference for groups who wish to either support or challenge a peace process? This book explores the ways in which civil and uncivil groups in Northern Ireland use the Internet during a period of conflict transformation, with a particular emphasis on their framing of their positions in respect of ...
Irish Republicanism and the Internet: Support for New Wave Dissidents
September 18, 2023This article considers the use of the Internet by Irish Republicans and does so by applying thematic content analysis to a sample of websites that support the Irish Republican movement. Particular attention is paid to the Irish Republican virtual community which, through regular user interaction, creates and sustains an online discourse of support for their ...
Terrorism and IT: Cyberterrorism and Terrorist Organisations Online
September 18, 2023Chapter, “Terrorism and IT: cyberterrorism and terrorist organisations online” in book: Howard, Russell D. and Sawyer, Reid L., (eds.) Terrorism and counterterrorism: understanding the new security environment, readings and interpretations ...
IRA 2.0: Continuing the Long War—Analyzing the Factors Behind Anti-GFA Violence
September 18, 2023Despite an increasing number of attacks by violent anti-Good Friday Agreement (GFA) Republicans from 2009 there is still relatively little understanding of the nature of these organizations or the likely longevity of their campaign(s). This analysis argues that the current upsurge of violence is likely to continue for the foreseeable future, due to a combination ...
Exploring the Form and Function of Dissident Irish Republican Online Discourses
September 18, 2023This article seeks to contribute to broadening the focus of research in the area of violent online political extremism by examining the use of the internet by dissident Irish Republicans and their supporters. The argument here is not that the internet substitutes face-to-face contacts amongst Irish Republicans, including violent dissidents, nor that it currently plays ...
The Electronic Starry Plough: The Enationalism of the Irish Republican Socialist Movement (IRSM)
September 18, 2023This paper takes the case of the Irish Republican Socialist Movement (IRSM) as the point of departure to discuss how insurgent political movement use Web communications. From mirror sites in Ireland and North America, IRSM supporters regularly use Web technology to relay the group message to a global audience at The resulting direct media ...
EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (TE-SAT) 2011
September 18, 2023The EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (TE-SAT) was established in the aftermath of the 11 September 2001 attacks in the United States of America (US), as a reporting mechanism from the Terrorism Working Party (TWP) of the Council of the EU to the European Parliament. The content of the TE-SAT reports is based on ...