machine learning
‘Terrorism Informatics’ Part IV: Predicting Extremist Behaviour
August 8, 2024VOX-Pol Blog Post. ...
‘Terrorism Informatics’ Part II: Identifying Extremist Networks
August 8, 2024VOX-Pol Blog Post. ...
Machine Learning for Predicting Intent of Radical Action in Text Data
May 20, 2024Many cases of radicalism, especially violent radicalism, manifest within the context of inter-ethnic conflict and war. Research in this domain has significantly contributed to our overarching comprehension of the issue. This form of radicalism is inherently linked to the dynamics of group affiliation. However, our focus here is directed towards the individual motivation driving radical ...
The Role of the Internet in Radicalisation to Violent Extremism
September 18, 2023This chapter critically examines the role that the Internet and the Internet of Things (IoT) play in violent extremism. The chapter specifically focuses on arguments surrounding radicalisation as a pathway to terrorism and how individuals become radicalised due to different radicalisation processes and theories. Based on this critical analysis, the chapter argues that the Internet ...
A semi-supervised algorithm for detecting extremism propaganda diffusion on social media
September 18, 2023Extremist online networks reportedly tend to use Twitter and other Social Networking Sites (SNS) in order to issue propaganda and recruitment statements. Traditional machine learning models may encounter problems when used in such a context, due to the peculiarities of microblogging sites and the manner in which these networks interact (both between themselves and with ...
Online Extremism Detection: A Systematic Literature Review With Emphasis on Datasets, Classification Techniques, Validation Methods, and Tools
September 18, 2023Social media platforms are popular for expressing personal views, emotions and beliefs. Social media platforms are influential for propagating extremist ideologies for group-building, fund-raising, and recruitment. To monitor and control the outreach of extremists on social media, detection of extremism in social media is necessary. The existing extremism detection literature on social media is limited ...
Detecting Weak and Strong Islamophobic Hate Speech on Social Media
September 18, 2023Islamophobic hate speech on social media is a growing concern in contemporary Western politics and society. It can inflict considerable harm on any victims who are targeted, create a sense of fear and exclusion amongst their communities, toxify public discourse and motivate other forms of extremist and hateful behavior. Accordingly, there is a pressing need ...