Online Library

Welcome to VOX-Pol’s Online Library, a research and teaching resource, which collects in one place a large volume of publications related to various aspects of violent online political extremism.

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2018 Library Entries
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Report An Analysis of Interactions Within and Between Extreme Right Communities in Social Media

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2012 O’Callaghan, D., Greene, D., Conway, M., Carthy, J. and Cunningham, P. View Publisher
Journal An Analysis of Inspire and Dabiq: Lessons from AQAP and Islamic State’s Propaganda War

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2017 Ingram, H.J. View Publisher
Journal Article An actor-based approach to understanding radical right viral tweets in the UK

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2022 Sprejer, L., Margetts, H., Oliveira, K., O’Sullivan, D.J. and Vidgen, B. View Publisher
VOX-Pol Blog Amplifying the Voice of Terror: A New Ethics for Terrorism Reporting by Media?

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2019 Vergani, M. View Publisher
Report American Foreign Fighters: Implications for Homeland Security

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2015 Phillips, M. and Mesazores, C. View Publisher
VOX-Pol Blog America is ‘Dropping Cyberbombs’ – but How Do They Work?

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2016 Forno, R. and Joshi, J. View Publisher