Diana Rieger
Diana Rieger has been a Full Professor at the Department of Media and Communication, LMU Munich, since September 2018. LMU Munich is the leading teaching & research university in Germany, ranking 1st in Germany in the latest Times Higher Education World University Ranking. The Department of Media & Communication (IfKW) is one of the largest and internationally most visible communication science departments, ranking 1st in Germany in the latest Shanghai Ranking. It is internationally recognized for its excellence in research in a broad variety of areas, specifically media & politics, digital communication and extremism. Rieger’s research focuses on extremism, entertainment communication, hate speech and radicalization from a communication and social science perspective. Her recent work includes: 1) Research on content and effects of extremist online messages; 2) Developing and testing counter narratives (against right-wing extremism and Islamism); and, 3) Research on online hate speech online. She has led in the past and is currently leading several national and international funded projects on the topics counter-radicalization (CONTRA, PRECOBIAS), understanding radicalization processes (MOTRA) and hate speech (KISTRA). She is Vice-Director of the Department of Media and Communication at LMU Munich and Vice Dean of the Faculty of the Social Sciences.