Cyberterrorism – the greatest threat to US vital interests?
May 17, 2023
Lee Jarvis, Professor of International Politics, University of East Anglia, UK A recent survey of public opinion conducted by the independent polling company, Gallup asked people in the United States to evaluate the threat posed by a range of different actors, issues, and events to US vital interests. 74% of those surveyed saw Iran’s nuclear ...
Review: Terrorism in Cyberspace: The Next Generation
July 1, 2015
By Joshua Sinai In the United States, Canada and Western Europe, dozens of al Qaeda, al-Shabab- and ISIS-related terrorist plots have been thwarted by government counterterrorism agencies through electronic surveillance of terrorist operatives’ suspicious activities on the Internet. While their activities were likely also monitored “on the ground,” the fact that terrorists of all extremist ...