Let’s make platform capitalism more accountable
January 11, 2017
By Mark Graham What do Google, Uber, and Facebook have in common? You might think that the answer is that they are all technology companies. But actually it is that they all pretend to be technology companies. This shared lie amongst platform companies is both bad for workers and bad for users of those platforms. ...
The Online Growth of White Nationalism
January 5, 2017
By Siddharth Venkataramakrishnan White nationalism, which advocates against multiculturalism in favour of an ethnic and cultural state linked to a mythologised European identity, has become an increasingly high profile movement over the past five years. Anders Breivik in Norway, Dylan Roof in America, and (to a lesser degree) Thomas Mair in the United Kingdom all had ...
Takedown Collaboration by Private Companies Creates Troubling Precedent
December 21, 2016
By Emma Llansó On 5 December, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, and YouTube announced their intent to begin collaborating on the removal of terrorist propaganda across their services. Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT) is deeply concerned that this joint project will create a precedent for cross-site censorship and will become a target for governments and private actors seeking to ...
A Radical Defence for Democracy: Allow Space for Anti-Democratic Speech
December 14, 2016
By Tobias Gemmerli This article was originally published by the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) on 10 November 2016. Our democratic culture can act as a safeguard against radicalisation, if we make space in the public debate for counter-cultural movements and radical political projects. In the confrontation with radicalism and political violence, democratic freedoms are often named the ...
VOX-Pol Participation in Second Meeting of EU Internet Forum
December 12, 2016
On 8 December, VOX-Pol’s Programme Manager, Lisa McInerney, presented a selection of VOX-Pol research at the second meeting of the EU Internet Forum in Brussels. The meeting was convened by Mr. Dimitris Avramopoulos, EU Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, and Mr. Julian King, Commissioner for the Security Union. Contributors included, in addition to ...
Who is Winning the Syrian Digital War?
December 7, 2016
By Amarnath Amarasingam The Syrian war has been, for good and often for ill, an incubator for developing new tools and strategies for digital conflict. Whether any of these actors “win” the Syrian war, their digital strategies will likely be with us for a long time. ISIS and other jihadist groups have inspired tens of ...
VOX-Pol Part of New International M.A. in Security, Intelligence & Strategic Studies
December 1, 2016
VOX-Pol coordinating institution Dublin City University will be joining the University of Glasgow and Charles University, Prague, and the as a degree awarding partner for the EU-funded International Masters qualification in Security, Intelligence & Strategic Studies (IMSISS). Funded as part of the Erasmus+ initiative, this 24-month programme will offer a unique experience to students around ...
Special Meeting of United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee on ICTs and Terrorism
November 30, 2016
VOX-Pol’s Kate Coyer and Lisa McInerney are participating in a series of meetings of the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) on preventing terrorist use of the Internet at UN Headquarters in New York today and tomorrow. The CTC was established after the events of 11 September, 2001 to aid States’ abilities to fight terrorism. The CTC-hosted ...
Programming Human Beings to Build a Hate-Free Internet
November 30, 2016
This year’s wild presidential campaign was not only a test of two very different politicians but of humanity in general. Because social media is now far more entrenched than four years ago, we were effectively subjected to a giant, real-world experiment. The research question: how exactly do we treat one another when sensitive matters of ...
2017 ISA Junior Scholar Meeting
November 29, 2016
The International Studies Association (ISA) Junior Scholar Meeting is a facilitated meet and greet where established academics engage with early career scholars. These Junior Scholars range from current PhD students to recent Post-Doctorates. Prof Maura Conway, Professor of International Security in the School of Law and Government at Dublin City University and Coordinator of the VOX-Pol ...