VOX-Pol participates in CVE Conference, Oslo
June 10, 2015VOX-Pol participated in the Youth Against Violent Extremism conference in Oslo on 4 June. The conference, organised by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was attended by 150 civil society organisations from across Europe who were invited to share their concerns, sentiments and suggestions regarding violent extremism with each ...
Are We Our Own Worst Enemy? The Problems in Countering Jihadi Narratives and How to Fix Them
June 10, 2015by Clint Watts A month ago, the Washington Post published the most insightful article to date on the challenges the U.S. government has encountered battling al Qaeda, the Islamic State and jihadis writ large in social media. The U.S. State Department’s Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications (CSCC) has been charged with a mission impossible: countering jihadi ...
Words Matter – How the Arabic Ideology of Jihadist Movements Translates into Non-Arab(ic) Online Networks
June 3, 2015This blog is being published in two parts. Part two on 10 June by Nico Prucha With Arabic as the most important language for Islam, as the Qur’an is the speech of God (kalimat allah), revealed in Arabic, the lingua jihadica is likewise Arabic. Arabic key words of the jihadist segment, as a consequence, have ...
VOX-Pol attends Family Safety Online Forum
May 29, 2015VOX-Pol coordinator Dr Maura Conway attended the 7th European Forum of the Family Online Safety Institute in Brussels on May 12 at the invitation of FOSI. The event, which focused on European perspectives on child online safety, was held in Brussels with the support of Google, Twitter, Facebook and Orange. Keynote speaker, UNICEF’s Child Protection ...
The UK’s Missing Girls: Preventing Online Radicalisation
May 27, 2015by Sajda Mughal It is becoming increasingly evident that, in the words of the former Conservative party chair, Lady Warsi, Britain is“fighting an ever-losing battle” to prevent extremists from radicalising people online. While police are trying urgently to locate missing Shamima Begum, 15, Kadiza Sultana, 16, and Amira Abase, 15, who have believed to have ...
South Dakota University students meet VOX-Pol in Dublin
May 26, 2015A group of 18 students from the University of South Dakota visited Dublin City University on 14 May as part of VOX-Pol’s student outreach. The students are enrolled in a University of South Dakota module on ‘Radicalism and Revolutions,’ which has a specific focus on the Irish War of Independence in the early 20th Century ...
Does the Internet Play a Significant Role in Contemporary Violent Extremism and Terrorism? Some Arguments For and Against
May 20, 2015by Maura Conway Some scholars and others remain skeptical of a significant role for the Internet in processes of violent radicalisation. There is increasing concern on the part of other scholars, and increasingly also policymakers and publics, that high and increasing levels of always-on Internet access and the production and wide dissemination—and thence easy availability—of ...
VOX-Pol Newsletter 2(2) May 2015
May 15, 2015Welcome to Vol. 2, Iss. 2 of the VOX-Pol Newsletter. The VOX-Pol Network of Excellence is a European Union Framework Programme 7 funded academic research network focused on researching the prevalence, contours, functions, and impacts of Violent Online Political Extremism and responses to it. It is a five-year programme which commenced on 1 January, 2014. We ...
New research opportunities with VOX-Pol
May 15, 2015VOX-Pol is offering opportunities for researchers working in Violent Online Political Extremism to further expand and strengthen their research careers under its Researcher Exchange Programme. The Programme enables scientific visits and research stays in a partner institution within the VOX-Pol network. Opportunities are available for those at the early stages of their career as well as established researchers as ...
Leaving ‘Paradise’ for Jihad: Maldivian Fighters in Syria, and the Internet
May 13, 2015by Azra Naseem The Maldives adopted Islam as its official religion in 1153 CE and is a ‘100 per cent Muslim country’ with a Constitution that stipulates a non-Muslim cannot be a citizen. Despite the long history of being an Islamic society, and laws that forbid even foreign residents from openly practising any other religion, ...