Are you interested in the inaugural VOX-Pol Next Generation Network Conference?
February 8, 2024VOX-Pol Next Gen Conference – Call for Papers and Participants The VOX-Pol Next Generation Network invites early career researchers to submit papers for, and participate in, a new one-day conference on June 17th, 2024, immediately preceding the annual TASM conference. Hosted at Swansea University by VOX-Pol’s new Next Gen Network, this event offers a unique ...
A picture is worth a thousand (s)words: classification and diffusion of memes on a partisan media platform
February 7, 2024By Esteban Villa-Turek, Rod Abhari, Mowafak Allaham, Chloe Mortenson & Ayse D. Lokmanoglu Introduction On November 3, 2020, as presidential votes were being cast around the United States, another form of political discussion was taking place on Parler, a far-right social media platform. Users had been using memes to shape the discussion around political events ...
Seeing Eye to Eye: Viewing Multistakeholder Work through a Participatory Lens
January 31, 2024By Ashley A. Mattheis The Seeing Eye to Eye: Developing Sustainable Multistakeholder Communities (SE2E) project was developed and funded through the 2022 Terrorism and Social Media (TASM) Conference sandpit event. The project aim is conducting empirical research into how various stakeholders view and experience multistakeholderism in countering terrorism and violent extremism online (TVE) as part ...
Exploiting Political Crises: How Terrorists’ Polarize the Public and Garner Support in their Propaganda Campaigns
January 24, 2024By Mor Yachin & Rebecca Wilson In a world marked by political unrest and turmoil, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is among the most polarizing and contested conflicts in history – one that offers tremendous persuasive power to extremist propaganda. Groups like Al Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) have become increasingly adept at producing ...
VOX-Pol Summer School 2024: Call for Participants
January 23, 2024VOX-Pol Summer School ’24 – Call for Participants 10 – 14 June 2024, Swansea University, Singleton Campus Course Directors: Prof. Maura Conway; Prof. Stuart MacdonaldAcademic Lead: Dr Joe Whittaker Swansea University is delighted to, once again, host the VOX-Pol Summer School in 2024. This week-long course will run from Monday 10 to Friday 14 June ...
New VOX-Pol report: The Last Twitter Census
January 23, 2024The newest VOX-Pol Publication, The Last Twitter Census by JM Berger, is now available free-to-access on the VOX-Pol Publications page. This report compares two large random samples of Twitter accounts that tweet in English: one taken just before Elon Musk acquired Twitter in October 2022, and one taken three months later, in January 2023. It also examines several related ...
JeSuisCharlie a été l’un des hashtags les plus populaires de l’histoire – voici pourquoi cela n’arriverait pas aujourd’hui
January 17, 2024Par Emma Connolly, The Open University Cela fera neuf ans le 7 janvier qu’une fusillade a éclaté à l’hebdomadaire satirique Charlie Hebdo, tuant 12 de ses employés et en blessant 11 autres. Cette attaque a suscité un élan de solidarité immédiat et sans précédent dans le monde entier. Une grande partie de ce soutien a ...
JeSuisCharlie was one of the most viral hashtags in history – here’s why it wouldn’t happen today
January 17, 2024By Emma Connolly, The Open University It will be nine years on January 7 since a shooting at French weekly satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo killed 12 and injured 11 of its employees. The attack led to an immediate and unprecedented outpouring of solidarity around the world. Much of this support was organised online, using the ...
Datensammlung in der Online-Terrorismus-und Extremismusforschung: zukünfitge Richtungen
January 10, 2024Von Ryan Scrivens, Joshua D. Freilich, Steven M. Chermak und Richard Frank. Click to read this article in French and English. Die Rolle des Internets bei der Förderung von gewalttätigem Extremismus und Terrorismus ist ein vorrangiges Anliegen für viele Forscher, Praktiker und politische Entscheidungsträger auf der ganzen Welt. Der sogenannte Islamische Staat, der eine international anerkannte Terrororganisation ist, ...
Collecte de données dans la recherche sur le terrorisme et l’extrémisme en ligne: orientations futures
January 10, 2024Par Ryan Scrivens, Joshua D. Freilich, Steven M. Chermak, and Richard Frank Click to read this article in English and German. Le rôle de l’internet dans la facilitation de l’extrémisme et du terrorisme violent est une préoccupation majeure pour de nombreux chercheurs, professionnels et responsables politiques dans le monde. L’État islamique, une organisation internationalement reconnue comme terroriste, ...