Jumanji Extremism? The Potential Role of Gamification and Games in Radicalisation Processes
July 8, 2020
By Linda Schlegel The ‘gamification of terror’ has received increased attention in the last years, especially in the aftermath of the right-wing extremist attacks in Christchurch, El Paso and Halle, which were livestreamed by the perpetrators akin to ‘Let’s Play’ streams found in the gaming scene. Previously, ISIS had made headlines, because it used not ...
The EU’s Terrorist Content Regulation: Concerns about Effectiveness and Impact on Smaller Tech Platforms
July 1, 2020
This is the third in a series of posts and responses addressing the EU’s regulation on online terrorist content; the first post is HERE and the second HERE. [Ed.] By Adam Hadley and Jacob Berntsson Terrorist use of the internet is a significant threat that has almost become inseparable from terrorism itself. Terrorist groups use ...
Blind Faith in Technology Diverts EU Efforts to Fight Terrorism
June 24, 2020
This is the second in a series of posts and responses addressing the EU’s regulation on online terrorist content; the first post is HERE and the third HERE. [Ed.] By Chloé Berthélémy and Diego Naranjo After emptying their content moderators offices and sending their employees back home due to health safety guidelines, Facebook and the ...
False Commentary and Blinkered Perspectives Hampering TCO Progress
June 17, 2020
This is the first in a series of posts and responses addressing the EU’s regulation on online terrorist content; the second post is HERE and the third HERE. [Ed.] By Lucinda Creighton Never before has a situation demonstrated such a broad consensus for taking extra measures to regulate content online as the coronavirus has. At the same ...
Intra-EU Disinformation: the French Website Managed by a Polish Far-Right Network
June 10, 2020
By EU DisinfoLab is a site that presents itself as a “French news website”, hiding both the fact that it was created in Poland in July 2019, and that it’s heavily tied to a controversial Polish far-right media network (Najwyższy Czas! & Wolnosc24). Owners of the website almost exclusively publish French-language content on polarising ...
Criminalising the Possession of “Terrorist Propaganda”: A Human Rights Analysis
June 3, 2020
Want to submit a blog post? Click here. By Sapan Maini-Thompson The Home Office is proposing to legislate for a new criminal offence relating to the “possession of the most serious material glorifying or encouraging terrorism”. This follows a suggestion made by the Chief Coroner, HHJ Mark Lucraft QC, in his report concerning the 2017 ...
Pakistan’s Online Harm Rules: Rights to Privacy and Speech Denied
May 27, 2020
By Aryan Garg In January 2020, the federal cabinet of Pakistan approved the Citizen’s Protection (Against Online Harm) Rules to regulate social media platforms for streaming content related to terrorism, extremism, hate speech, sedition, fake news, defamation, violence, and national security. Pakistan is not the first country that has attempted to regulate social media platforms. ...
How Extreme is the European Far-Right: A Twitter Analysis
May 20, 2020
Read in German This blog post presents an edited section from the full report, available in both English and in German [Ed.]. By Reem Ahmed and Daniela Pisoiu A total of 381,912 tweets were collected through the Twitter application programming interface (API) from 175 EU-wide accounts that were identified as right-wing extremist (specifically, accounts with ...
Wie Extrem ist die Rechte in Europa: eine Twitter-Analyse
May 20, 2020
Read in English Dieser Blogeintrag enthält einen Abschnitt aus dem vollständigen Bericht, verfügbar in englischer und deutscher Sprache [Ed.]. Von Reem Ahmed und Daniela Pisoiu Insgesamt 381.912 Tweets wurden über die Twitter-API (Programmierschnittstelle) von 175 EU-weiten Accounts gesammelt, die als rechtsextremistisch  identifiziert wurden (insbesondere Accounts mit offen neo-nazistischen und White Supremacist Themen). Die Tweets wurden ...
Comparing Topic and Tone of Tweets by Far-Right Political Parties Versus Right-Wing Extremist Movements in the Netherlands, UK, and Germany
May 13, 2020
By Suzanne Mos The Internet is a good place to get a sense of what topics certain groups or movements deem important. In this Blog post, I present the findings of comparative mixed methods research addressing the question ‘How does the use of Twitter by far-right political parties differ from right-wing extremist movements in terms ...