The Far Right Online: An Overview of Recent Studies
November 13, 2019By Reem Ahmed and Daniela Pisoiu Social media is attractive to the far right in the same way as it is to other extremist groups. It offers a more direct, personal communication channel with potential audiences (Ernst et al. 2017: 1357). Moreover, in the absence of traditional media ‘gatekeepers’, the far right are able to ...
Contenus Terroristes sur Internet: Le Futur Règlement Européen en Question
November 7, 2019Par Laurence Bindner et Raphael Gluck, co-fondateurs de JOS Project Au cours de l’année 2018, alors que Daech recule de plus en plus sur le terrain, l’Etat islamique (EI) résiste sur un autre front, celui du djihad médiatique. Les nouvelles productions, en nombre certes réduit, continuent d’être diffusées sur le web, tandis que les archives ...
Innocent Users Have the Most to Lose in the Rush to Address Extremist Speech Online
October 31, 2019By Jillian C. York and Eliot Harmon Internet Companies Must Adopt Consistent Rules and Transparent Moderation Practices Big online platforms tend to brag about their ability to filter out violent and extremist content at scale, but those same platforms refuse to provide even basic information about the substance of those removals. How do these platforms ...
What can we learn from the online response to the Halle terrorist attack?
October 24, 2019Summary Since the Christchurch attack great efforts have been made to coordinate tech sector response to content incidents however more work is required to coordinate behaviour across mainstream media, academia, government, and the broader tech industry Both smaller platforms and larger platforms were prompt in dealing with the proliferation of the video – it was only circulated ...
Using Twitter as a Data Source: An Overview of Social Media Research Tools (2019)
October 16, 2019By Wasim Ahmed This post builds upon the 2015, and 2017 editions of this post, captures key trends and events which are shaping social media research for social scientists and provides a collection of research methods and tools for the analysis of social media data. Since the 2017 edition of this blog post, I have ...
Violent Misogyny, Mass Murder and Suicide: It’s Time to Save Incels from Themselves
October 9, 2019Incels are a danger to society and to themselves. Technology has made the problem worse, but it can also help fix it. Involuntary celibates, or incels, believe that a socio-genetic conspiracy theory is preventing them from having sexual relationships with women. Denied their right to sex because society has deemed them unworthy, some of their ...
Chambers of Secrets? Cognitive Echo Chambers and the Role of Social Media in Facilitating Them
October 2, 2019By Linda Schlegel The rise of social media usage as an everyday activity for millions of citizens has been accompanied by a discussion about the dangers of this development. Echo chambers or “filter bubbles” are often mentioned in this regard.[1] Both concepts refer to the possibility that social media users only engage with content that ...
Construir Resiliencia para Investigadores del Terrorismo
September 26, 2019Read in English Read in French Read in German Por Peter King Cuando el denominado Estado Islámico intensificó su campaña mediática en verano de 2014 para promocionar sus avances territoriales en Irak y Siria, investigadores del terrorismo dedicados a esta actividad durante una década o más se vieron obligados a dar un paso atrás y ...
Le Renforcement de la Résilience Chez les Chercheurs dans le Domaine du Terrorisme
September 26, 2019Read in English Read in German Read in Spanish Peter King Lorsque le soi-disant État islamique a intensifié ses activités médiatiques à l’été 2014 pour promouvoir ses avancées territoriales en Irak et en Syrie, les chercheurs sur le terrorisme qui travaillaient dans ce domaine depuis une décennie ou plus ont dû prendre du recul et ...
Resilienz-Aufbau für Terrorismusforscher
September 26, 2019Read in English Read in French Read in Spanish Von Peter King Als der sogenannte islamische Staat im Sommer 2014 den Medienbetrieb verstärkte, um für seinen territorialen Fortschritt im Irak und Syrien zu werben, mussten Terrorismusforscher, die ein Jahrzehnt oder länger in dieser Branche waren, einen Schritt zurücktreten und überdenken, welche Auswirkungen die Propaganda auf ...