The Ethics of Engaging Former Extremists to Counter Violent Extremism Online
September 25, 2019
“It is my belief that there is and should be an end to the label, as in my own case […] I am more than what I once was; I am more than a former. Ethically sound CVE practitioners should see me as a person with a future, not just a past.” ~ Brad Galloway By ...
Analysis: The Use of Open-Source Software by Terrorists and Violent Extremists
September 18, 2019
Why global coding collaboration benefits everyone – including terrorists and violent extremists. Summary Much of the software that powers the internet and decentralised platforms currently depends on software that was developed under the “open-source model” – not to be confused with Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) – in which the source code is available to the general public for use or ...
From Telegram to Twitter: The Lifecycle of Daesh Propaganda Material
September 11, 2019
By Mohammed Al Darwish A typical Daesh propaganda release goes through multiple phases on its journey from Telegram to reach more popular social web platforms like Twitter.1 This transition from Telegram to a wider audience on a more accessible platform requires the intervention of “fanboys” who dedicate their time and effort to spreading the propaganda ...
Web 3.0: The Decentralised Web Promises to Make the Internet Free Again
September 4, 2019
One of our Top 4 Blog posts of 2019 was Loránd Bodó’s Decentralised Terrorism: The Next Big Step for the So-Called Islamic State (IS)? Today’s post presents the pros and cons of what’s sometimes called ‘Web 3.0.’ [Ed.] By Edina Harbinja and Vasileios Karagiannopoulos Have you recently considered deleting your Facebook account, boycotting Amazon or ...
Informal Internet Censorship: The UK’s Counter Terrorism Internet Referral Unit (CTIRU)
July 31, 2019
By Jim Killock The CTIRU’s work consists of filing notifications of terrorist-related content to platforms, for them to consider removals. They say they have removed over 300,000 pieces of extremist content. Censor or not censor? The CTIRU consider its scheme to be voluntary, but detailed notification under the e-Commerce Directive has legal effect, as it ...
Jihadist Activism on the Internet Following the Collapse of the Caliphate
July 24, 2019
By Manuel R. Torres-Soriano The collapse of Islamic State’s “caliphate” has had an enormous impact on jihadist activism on the Internet. In a short space of time, we have witnessed a shift from an ecosystem that orbited around the leadership of a strong organisation capable of shouldering the initiative and most of the work needed to ...
Terrorism and Technology: The Front End
July 17, 2019
By Cori E. Dauber and Mark D. Robinson Despite the fact that there is a robust conversation regarding “terrorism and technology,” that discussion uniformly addresses – as near as we can tell – the back end, the dissemination of what terrorists have already produced. We have found virtually nothing in the popular press[1] and nothing in ...
An Overview of Radical Right-focused Presentations at #TASMConf 2019
July 10, 2019
By Pamela Ligouri Bunker and Robert J. Bunker The 2019 Terrorism and Social Media (TASM) Conference took place on 25 and 26 June 2019 at Swansea University Bay Campus, Wales, United Kingdom. The conference was organised by Swansea University’s Hillary Rodham Clinton School of Law and its Cyber Threats Research Centre (CYTREC), with the support ...
ISIS Use of Smaller Platforms and the DWeb to Share Terrorist Content
July 3, 2019
Summary of Tech Against Terrorism’s analysis: Analysis of more than 45,000 URLs since 2014 across more than 330 platforms shows that smaller platforms are heavily targeted by ISIS and that 49% of all URLs were found on just eight of these platforms. Key conclusions: ISIS experimentation with small social media platform Koonekti is the most ...
The Challenge of Drawing a Line between Objectionable Material and Freedom of Expression Online
June 26, 2019
By Philippa Smith When it comes to debates about free speech that needs to be protected and hate speech that needs to be legislated, the idiom of “drawing the line” is constantly referenced by politicians, journalists and academics. It has surfaced again as New Zealanders struggle to comprehend the abhorrence of the Christchurch terror attack and ...