«L’Alt-Right» en Europe
November 7, 2018
    Read in English Read in Dutch Read in German Au début du mois, VOX-Pol a publié l’Alt-Right Twitter Census, une analyse des activités en ligne de ce « mouvement parapluie » de droite. Ce rapport a examiné près de 30 000 adeptes de comptes Twitter qui s’auto-identifient comme souscrivant à ce mouvement par leurs identifiants ...
Die „Alt-Right“ in Europa
November 7, 2018
    Read in English Read in French Read in Dutch VOX-Pol hat diesen Monat den Alt-Right Twitter Census, eine Analyse der Online-Aktivitäten der rechtsextremen Leitbewegung, veröffentlicht. Der Bericht wertet Daten von fast 30.000 Followern von Twitter-Accounts aus, die sich in ihren Benutzernamen oder Profilinformationen selbst zur Alt-Right bekennen. Der Bericht schildert eine Bewegung, deren ...
This Isn’t Helter Skelter: Why the Internet Alone Can’t be Blamed for Radicalisation
October 31, 2018
By Daniel Baldino & Kosta Lucas The Internet’s precise role in the process of radicalisation remains vexing. You can lead a person to a bomb-making manual, but you can’t make them use it. Radicalisation is a social process. It refers to a means by which an individual or group embraces an extreme ideology and rejects ...
Cryptocurrencies: Potential for Terror Financing?
October 24, 2018
By Ahmad Helmi Bin Mohamad Hasbi and Remy Mahzam Synopsis Given their transaction anonymity and user-friendliness, cryptocurrencies appeal to extremist groups as they offer a viable alternative to the mainstream financial system and fiat money which are perceived as ‘kafir’ (infidel) currencies. The threat of cyber-driven terrorist financing is expected to grow. Commentary Bitcoins and ...
“Yes, I Can”: The Role of Perceived Self-Efficacy in Violent Radicalisation Processes
October 17, 2018
By Linda Schlegel & Till Baaken In recent years, radicalisation, its causes and facilitating conditions as well as possible counter-strategies have been widely discussed within the academic community, among practitioners, and by politicians. Today, there are a variety of radicalisation models available in order to facilitate our understanding of this phenomenon and the empirical evidence is progressively ...
Follow the Echo Chamber: Measuring Political Attitude Change and Media Effects on Twitter
October 10, 2018
By Laura Jakli and Paul Gill This blog post summarises the preliminary results of a VOX-Pol supported study that estimates the effects of social media echo chambers on political polarisation. Social Media and Political Polarisation Countless news articles and studies argue that social media exacerbates political polarisation and distorts the political news landscape. The general argument put ...
The Australian New-Right Movement: Online and ‘Others’
October 3, 2018
By Jade Hutchinson The ‘Right’ Kind of Dogma Radical-right groups harness online platforms to disseminate dogmas against the ‘Other’. In response to an influx of foreign migrants, the concatenation of Islamist terrorism and record levels of distrust in government institutions, the radical-right is invigorated by an aggressive anti-‘Other’ sentiment. As the source of social anxiety and ...
FlockWatch: Tracking Changes in Language in Text Datasets Over Time
September 26, 2018
By Sam Jackson For years, researchers studying online political extremism have used computational tools to collect large amounts of data from social media, most often from Twitter. Two main logics guide these data collections: they can be built around users (e.g., collecting all tweets sent by given accounts) or they can be built around vocabulary (e.g., ...
Building Resilience for Terrorism Researchers
September 19, 2018
Read in German Read in French Read in Spanish By Peter King When the so-called Islamic State ramped up its media operation in the summer of 2014 to promote its territorial advances across Iraq and Syria, terrorism researchers who had been in the business for a decade or more were forced to take a step ...
The Ethics of Academia-Counter-Terrorism Police Collaboration
September 12, 2018
By Mike Edwards My belief in the value of collaboration between police and academics stems from a policing conference on domestic violence, stalking and sexual violence that I attended as a young police officer. Criminal behavioural analyst Laura Richards delivered the keynote speech. This sparked a personal interest in human behavioural analysis and specialist criminal ...