‘Weighing the Role of the Internet in Past, Present, and Future Terrorism’ Dr Maura Conway
September 18, 2023
VOX-Pol Coordinator Dr Maura Conway discussing the role of the Internet in the past, the present & the future of terrorism, at the 2014 Symposium of Cyber Terrorism Project at Swansea University. ...
A New Approach to Counter Radicalization
September 18, 2023
US Council on Foreign Relations panel discussion on approaches to countering radicalisation. Panel members include Peter Neumann of the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation, a VOX-Pol partner. Originally recorded on 18 May 2011 and uploaded by the Council on Foreign Relations on April 1, 2011 ...
BBC Radio Scotland Morning Show 05 09 14 YouTube
September 18, 2023
Sasha Havlicek of the Institute for Strategic Dialogue interviewed on BBC Radio Scotland morning show on 5 September 2014 to discuss [internet] radicalisation of women in the UK. Originally published on 10 September 2014 by BBC Radio Scotland ...
King’s College London Online Radicalisation
September 18, 2023
Dr Peter Neumann and Tim Stevens of VOX-Pol partner, the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence at Kings College London, discuss the role of cyberspace in terrorism and insurgency. They ask if policies such as internet censorship are effective measure to counteract online radicalisation. Originally uploaded by ICSR on 12 February ...
Politics and Media 13 February 2012
September 18, 2023
Part 1 of a panel discussion of February 2012 report by British House of Commons describing the internet as ‘a fertile breeding ground for terrorism’. Originally uploaded by 1IslamChannel on 28 March 2012. ...
Sasha Havlicek Interviewed by BBC News on Internet Radicalisation and Effective Counter Narratives
September 18, 2023
Sasha Havlicek of the Institute for Strategic Dialogue interviewed by BBC News in July 2014 on the topic of internet radicalisation and effective counter-narratives. Originally published by the BBC on 1 July 2014 ...
‘The Call to Jihad The Role of Internet Preachers’ Angela Gendron YouTube 360p
September 18, 2023
Angela Gendron of Carleton University at ‘Swansea University’s Symposium 2014: Terrorists’ Use of the Internet’ speaks on radicalisation and the role of internet preachers. Originally published on July 4, 2014 by CTProject ...
The Power of Online Radicalization with Peter Neumann, part 1
September 18, 2023
An Interview with Peter Neumann by David H. Schanzer, Associate Professor of the Practice for Public Policy and Director, Triangle Center of Terrorism and Homeland Security. Originally uploaded by D Schanzer on 31 January 2014 (Part 1) ...