Racism, Hate Speech, and Social Media: A Systematic Review and Critique
September 18, 2023
Departing from Jessie Daniels’s 2013 review of scholarship on race and racism online, this article maps and discusses recent developments in the study of racism and hate speech in the subfield of social media research. Systematically examining 104 articles, we address three research questions: Which geographical contexts, platforms, and methods do researchers engage with in ...
EEG distinguishes heroic narratives in ISIS online video propaganda
September 18, 2023
The Islamic State (ISIS) was uniquely effective among extremist groups in the Middle East at recruiting Westerners. A major way ISIS accomplished this was by adopting Hollywood-style narrative structures for their propaganda videos. In particular, ISIS utilized a heroic martyr narrative, which focuses on an individual’s personal glory and empowerment, in addition to traditional social ...
Incels online reframing sexual violence
September 18, 2023
This small-scale study brings attention to the way the news media cover the enabling role of computer technology and social media in coalescing online communities focused on the hatred of women and the promotion of violence. While that aggression is ultimately and typically carried out against both women and men, it is specifically misogyny which ...
Online Extremism: Research Trends in Internet Activism, Radicalization, and Counter-Strategies
September 18, 2023
This article reviews the academic literature on how and for what purposes violent extremists use the Internet, at both an individual and organizational level. After defining key concepts like extremism, cyber-terrorism and online radicalization, it provides an overview of the virtual extremist landscape, tracking its evolution from static websites and password-protected forums to mainstream social ...
Social media and terrorism discourse: the Islamic State’s (IS) social media discursive content and practices
September 18, 2023
The paper maintains the complementary nature of technological practice and discursive content in the process of meaning-making in digital jihadist discourse. The study shows that digital practices of strategic sharing, distribution and campaigns to re-upload textual materials are made possible by exploiting SMC communicative affordances. As for the analysis of discursive content, the paper focuses ...
Upvoting Extremism: Collective Identity Formation and the Extreme Right on Reddit
September 18, 2023
Since the advent of the Internet, right-wing extremists and those who subscribe to extreme right views have exploited online platforms to build a collective identity among the like-minded. Research in this area has largely focused on extremists’ use of websites, forums, and mainstream social media sites, but overlooked in this research has been an exploration ...
Prolific, Digital, and Violent: The Far-Right’s Online “Republic of Letters”
September 18, 2023
The publication of online manifestos has become a common element associated with far-right terrorist violence in the West. Perpetrators of extremist attacks produce and circulate written materials for inspiration, tactical instruction, and notoriety. This presents policymakers and media organizations with considerable analytical challenges. Each far-right text represents a constituent element within a growing body of ...
Die Rolle des Internets im Radikalisierungsprozess einer jihadistischen Straftäterin – eine Einzelfallstudie
September 18, 2023
Anhand der Einzelfallstudie des Radikalisierungsprozesses einer jihadistischen Straftäterin möchte dieser Beitrag die besondere Rolle des Internets bei Radikalisierungen von Extremisten aufzeigen. Die Straftäterin war in den Jahren 2007 bis 2010 einePropagandistin, die über das Internet mehrere terroristische Vereinigungen unterstützte, indem sie deren Videobotschaften online verbreitete. In der Einzelfallstudie wird aufgezeigt, wie sich die Jihadistin durch ...
Hiding hate speech: political moderation on Facebook
September 18, 2023
Facebook facilitates more extensive dialogue between citizens and politicians. However, communicating via Facebook has also put pressure on political actors to administrate and moderate online debates in order to deal with uncivil comments. Based on a platform analysis of Facebook’s comment moderation functions and interviews with eight political parties’ communication advisors, this study explored how ...
An Exploration of the Involuntary Celibate (Incel) Subculture Online
September 18, 2023
Incels, a portmanteau of the term involuntary celibates, operate in online communities to discuss difficulties in attaining sexual relationships. Past reports have found that multiple elements of the incel culture are misogynistic and favorable towards violence. Further, several violent incidents have been linked to this community, which suggests that incel communities may resemble other ideologically ...