A War of Keywords: How Extremists are Exploiting the Internet and What to do About It
September 18, 2023This research centred on three layers of analysis: Firstly, understanding the keywords, or search terms, people use to find information on Google; secondly, looking at the data demonstrating links going into a selection of known extremist websites in order to understand their relationships with other websites; and thirdly, analysing the content of Google search results ...
Avis n°2014-3 sur l’article 9 du Projet de loi Renforçant les Dispositions Relatives à la Lutte Contre le Terrorisme
September 18, 2023Le Conseil national du numérique a été saisi le 25 juin 2014 de l’article 9 du projet de loi renforçant les dispositions relatives à la lutte contre le terrorisme. Ces dispositions modifient l’article 6 de la loi du 21 juin 2004 pour la confiance dans l’économie numérique (LCEN) en prévoyant le blocage administratif des sites ...
Parere n. 2014-3 sull’articolo 9 del progetto di legge mirante al rafforzamento delle disposizioni relative alla lotta contro il terrorismo
September 18, 2023Il Consiglio nazionale per il digitale è stato interpellato riguardo all’articolo 9 del progetto di legge mirante a rafforzare le disposizioni relative alla lotta contro il terrorismo. Tali disposizioni modificano l’articolo 6 della Legge del 21 giugno 2004 intesa a promuovere la fiducia nell’economia digitale (LCEN), prevedendo il blocco da parte dell’autorità amministrativa dei siti ...
Assessment of the State of Knowledge: Connections Between Research on the Social Psychology of the Internet and Violent Extremism
September 18, 2023Currently, a gap in the literature exists on the link between radicalization processes and the social psychology of the Internet. While radicalization processes are increasingly becoming subject to empirical studies, only a subset of these studies have taken into account online dynamics, and even fewer have approached this issue from a social psychological perspective. However, ...
How Do Terrorist Organizations Use Information Technologies- Understanding Cyber Terrorism
September 18, 2023Globalization with advanced information technologies has changed the life of the people in the world. When something occurs in one part of the world, other part of the world can be informed easily within seconds. Current information technologies such as internet, social media, blogs and news channels have enabled the people to create virtual groups ...
Occasional Paper – The Islamic State’s Diminishing Returns on Twitter: How suspensions are limiting the social networks of English-speaking ISIS supporters
September 18, 2023Since late 2014, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) social networks on Twitter have been subjected to periodic account suspensions. In a study of metrics for a network of English language ISIS supporters active from June to October 2015, suspensions held the size and reach of the overall network flat, while devastating the reach ...
Countering violent extremism through media and communication strategies – A Review of the Evidence
September 18, 2023This report presents the analysis of a corpus of academic and grey literature relevant to a key challenge facing our society. How can media and communications be used to counter identity-based violence (IBV) or Violent Extremism (VE)? Part I focuses on “Counter-Narratives”, looking at the evidence relating to strategic policy communication strategies and counter-propaganda techniques. ...
Islamic State Propaganda and the Mainstream Media
September 18, 2023In this Lowy Institute Analysis, Lauren Williams examines Islamic State’s use of the Western media to disseminate its propaganda. Williams argues mainstream media outlets have a responsibility to treat Islamic State-produced material more critically, expose the weaknesses of its messages, and place greater effort into counter-messaging. KEY FINDINGS Islamic State’s media arm has a clearly ...
Opinion No. 2014-3 on Article 9 of the Bill on Scaling Up Counter-Terrorism Provisions
September 18, 2023The French Digital Council has been given a mandate to examine Article 9 of the bill on scaling up counter-terrorism provisions. These provisions amend Article 6 of the Act of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy (LCEN) by providing for the administration to block websites containing speech and/or images constituting incitement to ...
Implementation of Security Council resolution 2178 (2014) by States affected by foreign terrorist fighters
September 18, 2023The present report is the second in a series of reports to be issued pursuant to Security Council resolution 2178 (2014), which requires the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate to assess Member States’ capacity to stem the flow of foreign terrorist fighters, identify good practices in that regard and facilitate the delivery of related technical assistance ...