Cyberculture and Sectarianism in Indonesia: The Rise of Shia Media and Anti-Shia Online Movements
September 18, 2023
The digital era of information technology appears to be a new space and place for the Indonesian Shiite communities to express their existence and conceal their “cloak” in the country.. Internet, websites, Facebook pages, Blog spots, and Twitter are tilized by these Shiite followers and supporters to show their presence, activities, interactivity, and thoughts about ...
Encrypted Jihad: Investigating the Role of Telegram App in Lone Wolf Attacks in the West
September 18, 2023
The study aims to capture links between the use of encrypted communication channel -Telegram and lone wolf attacks occurred in Europe between 2015-2016. To understand threads of ISIS communication on Telegram we used digital ethnography approach which consists of the self-observation of information flows on four of ISIS’s most celebrated telegram Channels. We draw on ...
Review of “Violent Extremism Online: New Perspectives on Terrorism and the Internet”
September 18, 2023
Book review: This edited volume offers a collection of essays on the timely topic of online violent extremism, including: terrorists’ wide ranging use of online platforms, the appeal of online platforms, internet use in terrorism trials, online extremist narrative and counter-narrative studies, the need for and the challenges associated with online violent extremism research particularly ...
Radical Right-Wing Extremism in Russian Cyberspace: Proliferation under Conditions of Ban
September 18, 2023
The Internet is harnessed as an ideal means for organization and promotion of protest ideology, which does not require special institutional facilities for maintenance and development. Radical right-wing extremism is reckoned to be among the public sentiments employing this global network. Consequently, Russia is experiencing the tightening of Internet controls. The objective of our study ...
Online Territories of Terror – How Jihadist Movements Project Influence on the Internet and Why it Matters Offline
September 18, 2023
This doctoral thesis takes the reader into elements of the strategy of using modern communication as well the advocated monopoly of truth by jihadist groups world wide. ...
A Genosonic Analysis of ISIL and US Counter-Extremism Video Messages
September 18, 2023
Analyses of extremist video messages typically focus on their discursive content. Using the case of ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant), this study instead draws upon the emerging subfield of genosonic analysis to understand the allure of extremist videos, as well as the ineffectiveness of US video messages designed to ‘counter violent extremism’ ...
Extreme Far Right Groups’ Use of Social Media: A Focus on Britain First and Reclaim Australia
September 18, 2023
This report contains findings from a study that investigated extreme far right groups’ usages of social media. This was a collaborative project building on an existing partnership between the Departments of Linguistics and Criminology at Swansea University, and on the development of a new partnership with the social media analytics company ‘Blurrt’ ( The project ...
Assessing the Discourse of Online Extremism and Measures Proposed to Counter It
September 18, 2023
The discourse surrounding digital technologies is rapidly changing, namely from an entity with the potential to generate positive political change to one that can be abused by extremists. In light of this, a new “dispositif” of risk has emerged whereby governments are seeking to address the imagined dangers posed by digital technology through a series ...
Religious Appeals in Daesh’s Recruitment Propaganda
September 18, 2023
The self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (Daesh) employs a complex online media strategy to recruit targeted demographics. Its success has exacerbated conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Libya, and elsewhere, and has become a concern for the international community. The Carter Center (the Center) is working to counter Daesh’s recruitment propaganda efforts by undertaking in-depth ...
Autocommunicative Meaning-Making in Online Communication of the Estonian Extreme Right
September 18, 2023
This article analyses the online communication of the Estonian extreme right that appears to be characterized by an echo-chamber effect as well as enclosed and hermetic meaning-making. The discussion mainly relies on the theoretical frameworks offered by semiotics of culture. One of the aims of the article is to widen the scope of understanding of ...