far right
Understanding Online Platform Usage of Extremist Groups via Graph Analytics
March 4, 2025Graph analytics has become instrumental in uncovering insights across various domains, specifically in social networks. It serves as a crucial tool for analyzing the relationship between users in different online platforms. In this research, we apply methods of social network analysis to examine the communication patterns among participants in an online forum recognized for far-right ...
The Western Far Right and Digital Technology: Fuzzy Collectivity From Translocal Whiteness to Networked Metapolitics
March 4, 2025The rise of the far right has captured the attention of scholars across media studies, political science, and sociology. Digital technology played an important role in the rise of the far right and has deeply shaped this global movement. Focusing on research in Western societies (primarily Europe and North America), this review takes stock of ...
Far-right transnationalism, digital affordances, and the specter of a new geopolitics
March 4, 2025Increasing attention paid to the far right commonly glosses over transnational activity, which reflects an imperial strategy to globalize far-right thinking and its attendant discursive and physical violence against others. Empirically, I focus on far-right transnational linkages among ordinary people (not state officials) between the United States and Europe and across Europe, and between India ...
The Contagion and Copycat Effect in Transnational Far-right Terrorism: An Analysis of Language Evidence
February 21, 2025This article corroborates the continued threat of extreme right terrorism by exemplifying textually interconnected links across linguistic evidence composed prior to or during attacks in the United States, New Zealand, Germany, Norway and Sweden. A qualitative content analysis of targeted violence manifestos and live-streams, attack announcements on online platforms, and writings on equipment (e.g., firearms) ...
Reclaim the Beach: How Offline Events Shape Online Interactions and Networks Amongst Those Who Support and Oppose Right-Wing Protest
February 20, 2025In this paper we examine how offline protests attended by members of the Australian far-right shape online interactions. Tweets about the 2019 St Kilda beach rally were collected. Users were manually classified as supporters (n = 104) or opponents of the rally (n = 872). Network analysis demonstrated that interactions between the two groups increased at the time of the ...
Cyberhate The Far Right in the Digital Age
February 20, 2025Cyberhate: The Far Right in the Digital Age explores how right-wing extremists operate in cyberspace by examining their propaganda, funding, subcultures, movements, offline violence, and the ideologies that drive it. Scholars and practitioners from a wide range of disciplines and professions including criminal justice, psychology, cybersecurity, religion, law, education, and terrorism studies contribute to provide an ...
A multiplex network approach to understanding extremist organizations: A case study of the Proud Boys
February 20, 2025Purpose This paper explores the network dynamics of extremist organizations through a detailed case study of the Proud Boys. Using a multiplex network approach, informed by recent advances in research on gangs, we examine how various types of ties influence extremist behavior. Method We first describe three focal networks through which the Proud Boys operate ...
Alt Tech and the public sphere: Exploring Bitchute as a political media infrastructure
January 23, 2025The article explores Bitchute, a video-hosting platform associated with the Far/Alt Right, with the aim of understanding how it reconfigures political communication and the digital public sphere. Methodologically, the article employs the walkthrough method and non-participant observation to identify the main features and functionalities offered to users. These include a set of values that prioritise ...
Evaluating ‘Transnationalism’ as an Analytical Lens for Understanding REMVE Terrorism
January 23, 2025This article explores the extent to which ‘transnationalism’ offers analysts a meaningful prism through which to analyze racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist (REMVE) terrorism or whether the term obscures more than it illuminates. The ‘transnational’ dimension of REMVE terrorism is often ill-defined and misunderstood, leading to misconceptions about the nature of such networks that ...
Visual Methods for Sensitive Images: Ethics and Reflexivity in Criminology On/Offline
January 23, 2025This chapter addresses the impact and discomfort of researching extremist digital subcultures. It provides reflections about the visual and personal dimension from two researchers investigating online extremist far-right and incel content, using memes as a case study. Through visually stimulating images, humor, and narratives, memes can normalize and desensitize extremism and violence, not only for ...