Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
Why Terrorists Weep: The Socio-Cultural Practices of Jihadi Militants
September 18, 2023Paul Wilkinson Memorial Lecture, University of St. Andrews, 16 April 2015 ...
ISIS in America: From Retweets to Raqqa
September 18, 2023While not as large as in many other Western countries, ISIS-related mobilization in the United States has been unprecedented. As of the fall of 2015, U.S. authorities speak of some 250 Americans who have traveled or attempted to travel to Syria/Iraq to join the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and 900 active investigations ...
Fatal Attraction: Western Muslims and ISIS
September 18, 2023More than 550 Muslim women from Western countries have joined ISIS and moved to its proclaimed ‘Caliphate’ in Syria and Iraq. No extremist group has been able to attract so many female Western recruits so far, and their number continues to grow. This article is intended to explain the reasons behind such unprecedented success, the ...
The Case of Roshonara Choudhry: Implications for Theory on Online Radicalization, ISIS Women, and the Gendered Jihad
September 18, 2023As dozens of British women and girls travel to join Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, there are increasing concerns over female radicalization online. These fears are heightened by the case of Roshonara Choudhry, the first and only British woman convicted of a violent Islamist attack. The university student in 2010 stabbed her Member of ...
Letter dated 13 May 2015 from the Chair of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1373 (2001) concerning counter-terrorism addressed to the President of the Security Council
September 18, 2023The present report is the first in a series focusing on the capacity of Member States to respond to the challenges posed by the foreign terrorist fighter threat. Foreign terrorist fighters pose an acute and growing threat. They increase the intensity, duration and intractability of conflicts and may pose a serious threat to their States ...
Understanding ISIS Myth and Realities
September 18, 2023Published on May 29, 2015 This video was streamed live by DMAPLab MIGS on 26 May 2015. The Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, has become a household name because it films its atrocities and posts them online thanks to social media platforms such as Twitter and YouTube. Western countries and Arab states ...
The Islamic State’s Ideology & Propaganda
September 18, 2023On March 11, the Project on U.S. Relations with the Islamic World convened a panel to launch two new Brookings papers that break down the ideology and social media methods of the Islamic State to trace how the group rose in influence to become a global jihadi movement. ...
VOX-Pol Summer School Public Lecture: Brown Moses
September 18, 2023VOX-Pol Summer School: ‘Topics in Violence Online Political Extremism’ Dublin: July 3, 2014 ...
Public Lecture by VOX-Pol Research Fellow Nico Prucha: Understanding the ‘Islamic State’ Narratives
September 18, 2023Dr Prucha discusses how to understand ‘Islamic State’ narratives by analysing their media output. The lecture was organised by VOX-Pol partner institute, International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR) and held at King’s College London on 6 July 2015. It focuses on the symbiotic relationships between ideology, media content and strategic action, and on ...
Von al-Zarqawi bis al-Awlaki: Das Internet als neue Form des radikalen Milieus.
September 18, 2023Chapter in Stefan Malthaner and Peter Waldmann (eds.) Radikale Milieus: Das soziale Umfeld terroristischer Gruppen. ...